Aprikos Medical-Dental Catalog _11-12-2023_interactive

Sharpening stones Schleifsteine Piedras de afilar Meules Pietre per affilare

Sharpening stones Schleifsteine Piedras de afilar Meules Pietre per affilare

Scalers, periodontology Reinigungsinstrumente, Parodontologie Limpiadores de sarro, parodontología Instruments à détartrer, parodontologie Ablatori di tartaro, parodontologia

Record Arkansas AM29-154-00 115 x 40 x 10/2 mm multi shape, white

Original Arkansas AM29-154-01 100 x 25 x 7 mm flat, grey-white

Original Arkansas AM29-154-02 100 mm lang, Ø 8 mm round, grey-white

For pregrinding of blunt instruments. The rounded edges and bevelled surfaces enable the sharpening of radius and surfaces

For repeated grinding and finishing of scalers and curettes

For burr removing from cutting edges

Record Arkansas AM29-155-00 150 x 50 mm in wooden case

AM29-154-09 Sharpening stone oil

India-Korund AM29-154-05 115 x 45 x 2 - 10 mm

India-Korund AM29-154-06 100 mm lang, Ø 5 - 10 mm

AM29-154-08 75 mm lang, Ø 6,0 mm

delicate, brown-beige Para preafilar y volverles a dar forma a instrumentos

round, delicate, brown-beige For burr removing from cutting edges

Test stick plastic package of 6 pieces For testing the sharpness of scalers and curettes



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