Aprikos Medical-Dental Catalog _11-12-2023_interactive

Impression trays Abdrucklöffel Cubetas para impresiones Porte empreintes Portaimpronte

Wax, porcelain and modelling carvers Wachs-, Porzellan- und Modellierinstrumente Talladores y espátulas para cera, porcelana y modelar

Wax, porcelain and modelling carvers Wachs-, Porzellan- und Modellierinstrumente Talladores y espátulas para cera, porcelana y modelar

Instruments à modeler Strumenti per modellare

Instruments à modeler Strumenti per modellare

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Hollenback AM31-130-01 Fig. 1/2

Hollenback AM31-130-02 Fig. 3

Hollenback AM31-130-03 Fig. 3S

Frahm AM31-131-01 Fig. 0/1

Frahm AM31-131-02 Fig. 2/3

Ward AM31-132-01 Fig. 1

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AM31-134-01 Fig. 1

AM31-134-02 Fig. 2

AM31-135-01 MSHO-A

AM31-135-03 MSHO-3

AM31-136-08 Fig. 8

AM31-137-18 MSPR-18

for interdental applications

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Ward AM31-132-02 Fig. 1S

Ward AM31-132-03 Fig. 2

Nyström AM31-133-01 Fig. 1

Nyström AM31-133-02 Fig. 2

Nyström AM31-133-03 Fig. 3

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AM31-130-01 - A-M31-133-03 17,5 cm / 6 7 / 8 " solid handle, 6 mm

AM31-134-01 - A-M31-137-18 17,5 cm / 6 7 / 8 " solid handle, 6 mm



www. aprikosmedical .com

www. aprikosmedical .com

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