Aprikos Medical-Dental Catalog _11-12-2023_interactive

Cartridge syringes Ampullenspritzen Jeringas para cartucho apollas Seringues à ampoule Siringhe ampollari

Cartridge syringes Spritzen Jeringas para cartucho apollas Seringues à ampoule Siringhe ampollari

Needles, syringes Injektionskanülen, Spritzen Apollas, agujas hipodérmicas Canules, seringues Aghi, siringhe

AM34-158-00 Cylinder cartridge syringe, chrome-plated, 1.8 cc, with aspiration, with metric thread

AM34-158-01 Cylinder cartridge syringe, chrome-plated, 1.8 cc, with aspiration, with US thread

Barrel only

1 ml 2 ml 5 ml

AM34-160-01 AM34-160-02 AM34-160-05 AM34-160-10 AM34-160-20 AM34-160-50

1 ml 2 ml 5 ml

AM34-161-01 AM34-161-02 AM34-161-04 AM34-161-10 AM34-161-20 AM34-161-50

10 ml 20 ml 50 ml

10 ml 20 ml 50 ml

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Injection needle, Luer-Lock

Injection needle, Luer-Lock

AM34-158-02 Cylinder cartridge syringe, chrome-plated, 2.2 cc, with aspiration, with metric thread

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AM34-159-00 Cylinder cartridge syringe, chrome-plated, 1.8 cc, with 3 movable aspiration hooks for safe aspiration, with metric thread

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Luer AM34-162-00 All-metal water syringe with 1 needle, Luer-Lock 10 ml self filling with rubber gasket

Luer AM34-162-01 Cannula, only, Luer-Lock

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www. aprikosmedical .com

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