Aprikos Medical-Dental Catalog _11-12-2023_interactive

Index Index Indice Index Indice


Pg# 371 180,369 347,369 16, 28, 32 34,36, 46 36 260 127,320 143 143 133 240 369 330,331 331 64 296,297 2 32,34





Abell Adams

Desmarres Diamant Diethrich-Salyer Dilatators Disposable scalpels Dissecting and Ligature Forceps Dissecting forceps Dissecting scissors Dissecting scissors Double lever stopcock burner Doyen Dressing forceps in jar with cap Dumont Dura hooks

53 360 16 200 5

Herbert Hirschfeld Hollenback Hooklets Hooklets How Hygienist Hylin

120 272

Adere Adson Adson Adson-Brown Ainsworth Allen-Iglhaut Allis Allis-Baby Alveotomy files Amalgam instruments

250,352 53,54,56 57,142 371 268 333,355

46,47 34,36

10-18,18 24,26-28 374,375

I Iglhaut Iglhaut Impression trays Impression trays for partial impressions Instrument boxes Instrument tray Instruments for crown work Iris scissors Ivory

125,127,138 168,191

186 160 365 142

342-343 346,347 164,165 163 358-360 19,20 258-260 265,270 84,371 48 15,26,142

Angle Apical Apical-Flohr Applicators Arkansas Ash, Gum knives Atraumatic dressing forceps B Babcock Backhaus Ball type condenser Ball/spatula combination

E Ehricke Eiselsberg Elephant foot condenser

342,345 21 245 133,137 139,140 176 342,345 126 314,315 367,368 190 310,311 312,313 303-308 309 202-237 216,219 212,213 233-235 228-232 202-205

Elevators Elevators Elevators, Graft Packers, Burrs Elite impression trays according to Ehricke Emons Enamel chisels End and side nippers Epker Excavators Excavators Explorers Explorers interchangeable Extracting forceps Extracting forceps for children, English pattern, upper jaw Extracting forceps Martin Fino, upper jaw Extracting forceps, American pattern, lower jaw Extracting forceps, American pattern, upper jaw Extracting forceps, English pattern, upper jaw

J Jaquette Johnson Jones Joseph

143,144 48 241,246 252 21 367,368 355 12,362 329,334,335

i Index, alphabetical English

Bandage scissors Bar bending pliers Beale Beebee Bein Beyer Bishop Black Böhler

K Kahre-Williger Kelly Kidney dishes Kilner Kirkland Kocher Kocher-Langenbeck Kofferdam-Instrumente Körner-Westermann Körner-Westermann Korund Krallenheber

126 10,30,46

166 142 321 47,55 54

135 184 314 135,136

Bone carriers Bone crusher Bone curettes Bone curettes, double ended Bone cutting forceps

179 177 121,125 122,124,125 136 132,272 177 134,135 199 19

260,261 168,192 197,198

F Fahnenstock Farabeuf Farrell Felt

296 338

358 56 64 243 241,248-251 254,255 180 41

Bone files Bone mill

L La Grange Lambotte-Mini Langenbeck Langenbeck-Mini Langer Laryngeal mirrors

18 118 57,102,180 53

Bone rongeurs Bone spreaders Bonn

Filling instruments Filling instruments Finger protector Flagg Flat nose pliers Flohr Frahm Freer Friedman Friedmann Furrer

Brewer Briault Bridge removing pliers Brünings Bruns Buck Buckley Burrs

260 305 370 186 121 21 116 180

278 150 355 337 46 13 117 86,102

364,365 327,331 352 129 326,332

Le Cron Lecluse Leriche

Lexer-Fino Lexer-Mini Lichtenberg Lindemann Lindo-Levian Lindorf Lip and cheek retractors Lister

134 370

C Cartridge syringes Cawood-Minnesota Cement mixing spatula Cheattle Cheek retractors Chin holder Chisels Chisels, periosteal elevators Chompret Cleaning brushes Cleveland Coleman Collin Columbia Composite instrument Contouring pliers Coupland Crane-Kaplan Cross

180 327

G Gauze packers Gillie

380-382 184 256,257,349

170-173 183,184

148 34,35,142 348 319-320 358 17,29,271 300,301

21 21 18,30 40 124 66,135

Gingival cord packer Gingivectomy knives Gisy-Wild

156 154 61 116,191

Littauer Locklin London-College Lucas-Martin

Goldman-Fox Goldman-Fox Goldstein Goslee Gouges

138 339

Luer Luer Luniatschek Luxators

243 365 117

383 148 329,330

376,377 134,136 331 189 277 242,244 371 67,332

Gracey Gracey

280-289 292-295 288,289 282,283 292,293 284-287,293 356,357 358 2 16-18,29,30 52

M Martin Martin Martin-Simplex

Gracey curettes with 10 mm handle Gracey mini curettes, subgingival Gracey mini curettes, subgingival Gracey Rigid curettes, subgingival Gracey standard curettes,subgingival Greenstein Gritmann Gum knives Gum scissors Guthrie

41,257,362 363,378 184 180 180 135 266,267,277

Maunder Maunder Mayfield McCall

272 303 371 359

Crown pliers Crown-Butler

McKesson Measurers Medicine cups Meiss

181 162 205

Cryer Cryer Cumine

231,232,234 324, 326,327 265

H Haemostatic forceps Halsted-Mosquito Hammers/mallets Hartmann Hegar-Baumgartner

176 272 300,351 40

Cups Cups

249,159 162,165

Mercitan Mercury

44-47 44,45 372 134,185 81,92 339,340 255

Curettes, subgingival Curettes, subgingival D DeBakey DeBakey-Mosquito Dean Denhart Dental forceps

277,279,282 287,290-295

Meriam Merrit A Merrit E Mershon Metal jars Metzenbaum

300 300 358 165 10-12,26 13,14,27,28 28

Heidebrink Heidemann Heister Hemingway Henahan

34,39 49 16,30 182 40,42

181 122 187,188,228

Metzenbaum-Fino Metzenbaum-Lahey

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