Aprikos Medical-Dental Catalog _11-12-2023_interactive

Index Index Indice Index Indice

Index Alphabetical English


Pg# 11 300 37,38 2 22 55 36 45 133,46 325 124,132 32,36


Pg# 33,35 53 296,297

Metzenbaum-Nelson Michigan Micro forceps Micro scalpel blades Micro Scissors

Semken Senn-Green Sharpening stones Silicate mixing spatula Sinus claw retractor Sinus lift curettes Skin hooklets Soft tissue retractors Spatulas Spatulas Spencer Splinter forceps Stainless steel bowls Steinhäuser Sterilizing Forceps Sternberg

257 170 168,169,176 142 60

Middeldorpf Mikro Adson Mikro Mosquito Miller Miller-Apexo Miller-Colburn Mini Adson Mini cement mixing spatula Mitchell Mixter-Baby Molt Mouth gags Mouth mirror handles N Nabers Needle Cases Needle cases, storing cup Northbent Nyström

241,252 253,348 21 42 162 190,191

256 265 47 130,131,182 180-182 154

156 184 20 316 42 20,21 260 347 66,67 67

Stevens Stewart Stieglitz Stitch scissors Stockes Stolley Suction cannulas Suction tips T

298,308 156,157 158,159 20 352

O Obwegeser Obwegeser Ochsenbein Ohl

Tampers Taylor Tendon scissors Terry Third molar hook Thomas Tissue grasping forceps Tobold Toennis-Adson Tofflemire Tohoku Tongue depressors Tongue holding forceps Tongue spatulas

119 32,266 20 137 187,188 350 143,144 185 16,28 259 48 185 189 186 16 48 266,267 178

59-61,140 184,189 139,191,276 140 8,10,15,17 18,24-26 273,321 183 117,118,190

Operating scissors Operating scissors Orban Oringer

Osteotomes Osteotomes Osteotomes

192-195 197,198

P Partsch Pean Peers Bertram Peet Periodontal chisels Periodontal file Periodontal probes Periosteal elevators Periosteal elevators Periotomes Petri dishes Pitha Plane condenser Polisher Pott Prichard Probes R Ragnell Ralk Ramus osteotomes Ramus retractors Retractors Reynolds

116,117 44,47 48, 49 42 191,275,276

Tonsil scissors Towel clamps Towner Trephine burs Treyemann Tweed

358 368

273,274 298-302 126-131 133,139 122,123 162 162 241,247 246 333 126,291 64,146


Universal Universal pliers Universal trays USA V Vascular forceps Volkmann W

362 370 163 260

39 121

W. F. Barry Wagner Waldsachs-Universal Ward

290 17 370 251,352

29 42

190 189 53-59

Ward-Kirkland Warwick-James Waste bucket Wax, porcelain and modelling carvers Wedelstaedt Weingart West White Who Williams-Goldman-Fox

272 339 378 166,374-378 315 367 127,340 272,304,306 299,300 290

371 275 274,279 279 316-318 324-328 331-338 339,340

Rhodes Roncati Roncati Fine Kit Root canal instruments Root elevators Root elevators Root fragment elevators Roser-König Round metal boxes Ruskin S Sachs Saddle hooks Sagittal ramus osteotomies Salyer Sanvenero Sauerbruch Scalers, bone files

182 164 135

Williger Williger Winter Wire cutting pliers

120,122 126,133

337 366 362 363 369 261

Wire cutting scissors Wire twisting forceps Wire, arch and clasp bending pliers Wizard Y

358 53 172,175

14 15 58,156,378 272 264-272

Young Younger-Good Z

189,369 265

Scalers, supragingival Scalpel blade remover

4 4 2,3 48 360

Zahle Zürich Zürich Zweifel

355 269,303,311 316,241,256 102

Scalpel blades Scalpel handles Schädel Schön Schwarz Seldin

349,368 324,325

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