Q. Granada Hills, Calif. — “I ’ve al ways wanted to dedicate my life to God’s work, but don’t know how to go about it. Must missionaries be under 85. I ’m 36 and work to support my wife and four children.” A. Ordinarily mission boards don’t like to take those over 35. Through years of experience they’ve discov ered it's so much harder in many ways, such as learning the language, adjusting to rigors of foreign life, being set in their ways. Still, in more recent years we have seen the effectiveness of short-term programs. It may be a doctor, nurse, electrician or one of almost any trade or pro fession who will go for six months to a year or two years accomplish ing invaluable service for Christ. A person with children must give first consideration to them. It may be that the Lord would have you serve right here in your own home and community. The first thing is to dedicate your life to Christ and be available to follow His leading. Ask for wisdom and the leading of the Holy Spirit as you face the future. Q. Fortuna, Calif. — “I grew up in Los Angeles and was a Presbyterian which Biola, I believe, originally was. Yet, there’s no significance between beliefs and that of the denomina tion!s. I am now a Seventh-day Ad ventist. A. Biola has never been affiliated with any specific denomination. Some
of our early founders were members of Presbyterian churches; however, the denomination has changed great ly in the more than six decades. At the same time we aren't antidenomi- national. God has allowed the church to be gathered together into different groups. We are interdenominational, seeking to have harmonious fellow ship together as far as those funda mental, orthodox, conservative de nominations are concerned. We do not agree with those who hold to the keeping of the law as a necessity to Salvation. This is not taught in Scripture (Eph. 2:8, 9). The keep ing of the Sabbath was a sign be tween God and His chosen people Israel. Christians, in this dispense tion, emphasize the first day of the week which is the memorial of the resurrection of our Lord. There is a significant difference between our Biola Schools and any group that keeps the seventh day. Some of these groups also teach annihilation, con ditional immortality and are not al ways clear on the deity of our Lord. Q, San Leandro, Calif. — “I heard a rumor that liberalism is creeping in to your school. While I don’t believe it perhaps you could clarify this so I can stop the report when I hear it again. Also, I ’d like to ask if the Apostle Paul had died before he went on the road to Damascus, would he have been saved?” A. We know of no way that liberal ism is creeping into Biola. We know 11
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