Biola Broadcaster - 1970-06

not yet made his appearance? Isaiah also told about the first and second comings of Christ. These prophecies were more far-reaching than those of Cyrus, the king of Persia. God holds the future in His hands. He hasn’t left us to grope in darkness. He has a wonderful blueprint which everybody who has a desire to do so may read. In such a strife-torn, anguish-ridden age, it's the Chris­ tian alone who can face life with a joyous confidence. The most wonder­ ful thing is that the God who has in His hand the great sweep of his­ tory with the rise and fall of nations is even more interested in every single individual. In II Peter 3:9 we see again that God is not willing that any individual should ever per­ ish. Then, in Psalm 139:2, we find the writer’s testimony, “Thou know- est my downsittings and my upris­ ings; thou u n d e rs tan d e s t my thoughts afar off.” By prophecy God has demonstrated that He’s the all­ knowing One who knows the remot­ est future. We may safely trust our future, as well as our past and pres­ ent, into the hands of God through Jesus Christ. P art S eventeen T he B ible is in sp ired by God through the Holy S p irit. The Scriptures absolutely cannot be bro­ ken. The Word of God is no smor­ gasbord of inspiring ideals from which we may chose that which is tasty. We must accept it or reject it in its entirety. There are both ex­ ternal and internal evidences for this factual belief. Israel had to be kept absolutely pure to transmit the revelation of God to the nations of the world. The Jews were neither to intermarry with the other nations or to have any part with those around about them. Even this indicates the in­ spiration of the Bible. God delights in mercy and not judgment. He

THE GREATEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN MAKE is in the preparation of those who will carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. There would be no missionaries to send, no min­ isters for churches, no Christian teachers for schools, and no evangelists to proclaim the Gospel unless Schools like BIOLA are maintained to prepare dedi­ cated Christian young people who want to use their talents and their lives in the service of Jesus Christ. With a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible, BIOLA graduates take their place as leaders in various fields of service. We invite YOU to make a regular investment in this most important ministry through the Biola Fel­ lowship. (See coupon on reverse side of page.) We would also urge you to consider a deferred gift through BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/or by remembering BIOLA in your WILL. For further in­ formation concerningWILLS and AGREEMENTS, please send coupon to the Stewardship Department at BIOLA. Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN'S WILL and BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PRO­ GRAM. Mr. Mrs.... ........... ............. ................... .............. Miss Address........................................................... City................................................................ State....................................... Zip............... — Send to: BIOLASCHOOLS&COLLEGES, INC. 13800 Biola Avo., La Mirada, Calif. 90038 In Canada: BIOLAASSOCIATIONOF CANADA P.0. Box3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 31

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