
Achievers, Strivers, and Experiencers were the VALS types we kept in mind when we developed our content.

“ Archie” the Achiev er Age: 39 Motto: “My family first” Priorities: Family, career, nice home, nice neighborhood Work style: Very busy, always thinking about professional goals Worries about: Money, balancing family and work The hook: May enjoy using the Pollinator Prep Guide to engage his kids in the yard or garden this summer “Sara” the Striver Age: 29 Favorite activity: Video games Worries about: Job security Aspiration: Financial stability, freedom (likes to wear fashion of celebrities she idolizes) Point of pride: Being first in the family to go to college The hook: May enjoy taking the Pollinator Personality Quiz as she scans her social media feed this summer “Eddie” the Experiencer Age: 24 Driven by: The latest trends; wants to be first in line to see the hot, new film; always looking for the next best thing Priorities: Friends, physical activity, “sensation seeking” The hook: May enjoy creating a backyard garden this summer with a garden blueprint or putting up a bee hotel

“Mixed Signal Millie” Age: 24

Job: Still working first job out of college Home: small apartment with balcony Cares about: plants — has succulents and a garden tomato plant; saving animals and the environment (as long as she has time and it’s convenient) Pesticide awareness: Avoids putting pesticide on her plants or letting her dog play on a treated law; read an article on Facebook about pesticide dangers but isn’t aware of their larger impact


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