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Disclaimer: This information is accurate as at the date of publication, September 2022. However, some information in it may change without notice. We reserve the right to withdraw or change any of the courses, locations, modes and/or alter entry requirements or tuition fees. All modules are run subject to demand and may differ across locations. This document is for guidance only and does not form part of any contract. For more information about courses, please refer to bpp.com. Before accepting any offer for a place at BPP, applicants should read the applicable terms and conditions available at bpp.com/terms-and-conditions ºT&Cs apply. Selected courses only. +Available only for the Complete SQE Training Programmes, Legal Practice Course, and Barrister Training Courses. *Based on The Graduate Outcomes survey of 2019/20 graduates 15 months after graduating for UK students. **BPTC graduates commencing pupillage between 2014-2019, aggregated. Source: BPTC Key Statistics, Bar Standards Board, 2021.
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