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EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca THE HAPPIEST MILLIONARE LIVES IN VANKLEEK HILL «It was close to 9 p.m. when I called my son, Trevor, but he didn’t answer his phone,» she stated, laughing. «Then I called NZEBVHIUFSJOMBX BOETIFEJEOUBOTXFS FJUIFS*àOBMMZHPUBIPMEPGNZPUIFSEBVHI UFSJOMBX CVUTIFEJEOUCFMJFWFNFBOEUPME me to go to sleep.»
Vera Page is the newest, and happiest, millionaire in the world thanks to a win- ning Lotto Max ticket. The Vankleek Hill senior has spent almost her entire life giving to others, whether it involves money, time, or even one of her own kidneys. Page was the eldest of 11 children in her family, and she helped raise her younger siblings in addition to her own chores and other activities. As an adult, when her sister needed a kidney transplant, Vera was there to help give her sister a new start on life. /PXUIFZFBSPMENPUIFS HSBOENPUIFS BOEHSFBUHSBOENPUIFSJTSFBEZUPLFFQPO giving thanks to a $60 million windfall she HPUXJUIIFSXJOOJOH-PUUP.BYUJDLFUJOUIF /PWFNCFSESBX)FSGBNJMZXJMMCFUIFàSTU UPCFOFàUGSPNIFSOFXGPVOEXFBMUI Almost missed the jackpot Page has been a regular lottery player for four decades but she almost missed her chance at getting her winning ticket. She UPME0-(PGàDJBMTUIBUIFSVTVBMQSBDUJDFJT to buy her lotto tickets during her weekly outings to the grocery store. «When the staff at my retirement home rescheduled our weekly trip, I got on my motorized scooter and went to the store myself,» she stated. «As I was checking out, *SFNFNCFSFEUPCVZNZ-PUUP.BYBOENZ 649, both with the Encore (numbers). When I got home, I tucked the tickets under my computer until the draw.» When news reports announced that the NJMMJPOUJDLFUXBTTPMEJOUIF1SFTDPUU Russell region, Page checked her own ticket. &WFOBTTIFDPOàSNFEUIBUBMMTFWFOPGUIF numbers on her ticket matched, she still could not believe it herself, and she also had EJGàDVMUZHFUUJOHJOUPVDIXJUIIFSGBNJMZBOE convincing them that she had won.
/FYUTIFUSJFEUFMMJOHTPNFPGIFSGSJFOET at the retirement home about her big win. #VUUIFZXFSFBMMTUJMMJOCFEBOEIBMGBTMFFQ She herself was up most of the night with FYDJUFNFOUBOEUIJOLJOHBCPVUUIJTMJGFDIBO ging moment for her. Sharing the excitement 5IFOFYUNPSOJOH1BHFTTPO 5SFWPS returned her call. When he understood what had happened, he raced to her apartment. «I told him that we have to go to Foodland where I bought the ticket to validate it, and make sure I wasn’t seeing things,» she sta ted. «We were in such a rush that I put on a pair of pants over my nightgown, threw on a KBDLFU BOEXFOUUPUIFTUPSFIBMGESFTTFE When I gave my ticket to the clerk, the bells and whistles went off and the clerk yelled that i had won BIG.» 1BHFOPUFEUIBUIFSBOYJPVTOFTTWBOJTIFE BUUIFOFXTCVUOPXIFSTPOXBTFYDJUFE «I felt very calm for some reason,» she stated. «I’ve been trying to keep my family members calm and grounded ever since MFBSOJOHPGUIJTOFXT5IFZBSFFYUSFNFMZ happy for me.» )FSTPOUPME0-(PGàDJBMTUIBUIJTNPUIFS has worked hard all of her life, and given back so much to her family, and that he is thrilled that she won her prize at a time when she can enjoy it. «She helped raise all her siblings,» he stated. «She raised our family while working BTBQFSTPOBMTVQQPSUXPSLFS*O XIFO her younger sister fell ill and needed a kidney transplant, my mom found out she was a match and didnt’ hesitate to donate one of her kidneys that saved her sister’s life.
Vera Page, 83 ans, de Vankleek Hill, est la plus récente et la plus heureuse des multimillionnaires du monde, grâce à son billet de loto Max d’une valeur de 60 millions de dollars. — photo fournie OLG
She is so deserving of this good fortune.» The bucket list /PX7FSB1BHFIBTUIFIBQQZUBTLPG deciding what to do with her new wealth. «I want to purchase a piece of land along UIF0UUBXB3JWFSBOECVJMEBOFXEPVCMF family house for myself and my son’s family,» TIFTUBUFEj*IBWFBMXBZTXBOUFEUPFYQF rience an Alaskan cruise, and am planning for that trip. The winters in Eastern Ontario are cold, so I would like to spend them in a warmer climate. But the summers are wonderful, so I want to get a big boat that
many people can sleep on and tour the 0UUBXB3JWFS.PTUJNQPSUBOUMZ *XJMMTIBSF my winnings with my family. I want to take care of their futures.» But before she starts working on her jCVDLFUMJTUvUIFàSTUUIJOH1BHFQMBOTUP do is just for her. «I getting new hearing aids,» she stated, adding that she also plans to keep playing the lotto for fun. The OLG held a celebration for Vera Page BUJUT5PSPOUPPGàDFBOESFDPSEFEBWJEFP interview with herat https://f.io/XazaGlBp
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Les jeunes résidents peuvent conti- nuer à gagner des billets positifs pour leurs bonnes actions et leur fierté communautaire. La Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) de Hawkesbury a annoncé qu’elle poursuivra le programme Positive Ticketing, en partenariat avec le Club Lions de Hawkesbury. Lancé en mars dernier, ce programme encourage et soutient les jeunes membres de la com munauté en leur offrant un renforcement positif pour leurs bonnes actions. Tout agent qui voit une personne de 16 ans ou moins faire une bonne action ou un acte de bonté aléatoire peut émettre une contravention positive en guise de reconnais TBODF BDDPNQBHOÊFEVOFDBSUFDBEFBVEF 5 $ dans un restaurant local. Les éléments qui peuvent donner lieu à une contraven tion positive sont la sécurité personnelle, comme le port d’un casque de vélo, une bonne action, la participation à des activités DPNNVOBVUBJSFT MBàFSUÊEBQQBSUFOJSÆTB communauté, la dissuasion de la criminalité, le respect des règles de traversée de l’école
Staff Sgt Anne Christine Gauthier, Lions Club President Armand Lapierre and Lions Club Member Stuart Wood promote the OPP Positive Ticketing project to encourage community spirit and involvement among youth. —supplied photo ou toute autre chose que l’agent considère comme une bonne action. «Il s’agit d’un programme très impor tant pour notre communauté», a déclaré MJOTQFDUFVS$ISJT.D(JMMJT DPNNBOEBOUEV détachement de Hawkesbury.
East Hawkesbury Township’s firefighters and their volunteer helpers stationed themselves in Chute-à-Blondeau on Sunday for a special assignment. They collected several hundred items of non-perishable food from generous residents in the village for donation to the Vankleek Hill Food Bank, which includes East Hawkesbury Township as part of its area of operations. —supplied photo
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