“It’s not just about long-term expo- sure,” said Cushing. “One bad day can change everything.” ENFORCEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY Like any safety recommendation, en- forcement is key until people get into the habit of proper ear protection. OSHA first adopted its Hearing Con- servation Amendment in 1981, requir- ing employers to implement a Hearing Conservation Program for employees exposed to noise levels of 85 dBA or more during their shift. The amendment not only outlined the necessary components of an effective program but also asked audiologists to play a supervisory role in it. Pitts cur- rently works with a few such compa- nies, conducting environmental noise analyses, administering hearing tests on employees, and providing education on how they can improve. She said re- sistance to protective measures often
Regular hearing screenings are essential for tree care workers to catch early signs of hearing loss.
“Since chainsaws, chippers, and stump grinders often operate between 110- 120 dBA, tree care workers can per- manently damage their hearing before they even finish a task if they aren’t protected,” Cushing explained.
A common misconception is that most workers think hearing loss is a slow process. But one loud event — like an equipment malfunction or unexpected explosion — can cause permanent hear- ing damage instantly.
LEGENDARY PERFORMANCE Unlock Powerful Performance with the BVR Line of Brush Chippers from Morbark.
When you choose a BVR Brush Chippers, you’re not just investing in a machine — you’re investing in decades of innovation, quality, and craftsmanship. These chippers are designed to stand the test of time and make your toughest jobs easier and more profitable. Don’t settle for less. Choose the chipping power of BVR Brush Chippers and experience the difference that Morbark’s legendary performance can bring to your business. To find a Dealer in your neck of the woods, go to https://dealers.morbark.com .
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ArborTIMES™ Winter 2025 | 25
BVR Brush Chippers • TW Series Brush Chippers • Rayco Stump Cutters • Rayco Articulated Wheel Loaders • Boxer Compact Utility Loaders • Attachments
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