ArborTIMES™ Winter 2025

Q: What safety measures and train- ing are incorporated into the compe- tition to reflect industry standards? A: Every aspect of the competition is rooted in safety. The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) General Indus- try standards, as well as national con- sensus standards such as the American National Standards Institute’s ANSI Z133, provide the framework for the skills and safety protocols competitors must follow. NATS also utilizes best-in- class safety practices from our decades of experiences to ensure the safest and highest quality event possible. Q: For spectators, what can they ex- pect to experience while watching the competitions live? A: If they enjoy the smell of fresh cut wood, sawdust, 2cycle engines, and be- ing outside, this will be one of the most exciting and engaging extreme sports competitions they have ever seen!

Q: How does ArborSPORTS™ pro- mote community building within the arboriculture industry? A: ArborSPORTS™ primary focus is to foster strong connections among tree crews and companies while also encour- aging stronger and more resilient con- nections. The success of ArborSPORTS™ depends on professionalism, respect, positive sportsmanship, tolerance, and fair play. All stakeholders associated with the ArborSPORTS™ are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these values. We here at NATS appreciate the op- portunity to partner with ArborEXPO™ to showcase this new and exciting team-based sports competition. We look forward to seeing everyone at the ArborEXPO™ in Springfield, MA March 27th and 28th, 2025. Until then work hard, work safe, and work together!

Arborists demonstrate proper climbing techniques, a glimpse into the excitement planned for the inaugural event.

DISEASE DEFENSE + RECOVERY BEECH LEAF WITH RELIANT ® SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE - OR - DRY PHITE GRANULE SLOW RELEASE Pre-treat suceptible trees to increase: Pathogen Resistance, Overall Plant Health + Vigor Treat infected trees to increase: Immune System Response of Phytoalexins, Acid Protective Enzyme Production/ Creation of Necrotic Blocking Cells Lignifcation of Cell Walls

RELIANT® helps to activate the tree’s immune system to generate Phytoalexin responses to a pathogen attack.

This response profoundly impacts the tree’s ability to ward off and compartmentalize the attacking pathogen. In doing so, the tree responds by minimizing the pathogen’s effects.

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