Biola Broadcaster - 1961-04

APRIL SUMM A RY MESSAGE TbeMenace of Comninism by A l Sanders I n o u r messages for March, we spent a great deal of time in the discus­ sion of Communism and the insidious threat it is to the very moral fiber and spiritual foundation of our nation. To­ day, we want to summarize the sub­ stance of this vast force which already holds in its sway nearly half of the world’s population. Communism is the “worship of the collective power of man in place of the worship of God.” Communism is the materialistic, man-centered religion of this 20th Century. At its heart is the idea of the “chosen people” — the proletariat. Communism believes that, after it wins its struggle with capitalism, the proletariat will establish a paradise on the earth that will be both just and prosperous. Nei­ ther of these ideals, however, have yet been established in nations which have been ground under the Red heel of de­ feat. B e c a u s e of its man-centeredness, Communism means man-worship. It is atheistic at its core. It has no place for God. It regards history as following a rigid, scientific, predetermined pattern moving toward the establishment of socialism throughout the world. • “Not that there is no God, but men everywhere must be made to cease be­ lieving in Him” ■— thus reads official policy. Wherever communists gain civil authority over men they begin to reveal this hostility. In countries controlled by Commu­ nist power, the message of the Church has been devitalized, its life muzzled and its outreach terminated. No longer does it have its former place of power and prestige. It is barely tolerated. At

a future date, by authoritative decree, it may be completely obliterated. In fact, this has already happened to a large degree in rural China. A few urban churches are permitted to exist— doubtless for propaganda purposes—but by all reports the organized church in China has virtually ceased to be a spir­ itual power in the land. It has been penerated, captured and defiled. Obviously Satan is behind the move­ ment. It is ever his will that “the spirit of error” dominate the minds of men. Communism is a most cleverly devised weapon in his age-long conflict with God. And its emergence at this hour in history is most significant, especially in the light of prophecy. We become so preoccupied with Communism and communists, however that we may tend to forget that Satan himself is our great adversary. Nowhere does Scripture call upon Christians to embark upon a crusade against the people, but rather against sin. And Communism is “the big lie.” Some church men have foolishly attempted an ideological compromise with Communism, as we discussed sev­ eral broadcasts ago, but neither Biblical Christianity nor Marxian Communism would permit such fool-hardy action. We must never compromise the truth in Scripture. We said a moment ago that Communism holds in its sway nearly one half of the world’s popula­ tion. But remember, there are many of these who are not sympathetic — they just do not have any choice. In Soviet Russia, right now, it is estimated that three per cent are communists. Richard Arens, staff director of the Committee 14

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