Biola Broadcaster - 1961-04

brush fires or limited wars against our enemies, the Capitalist nations.” How about revolts, isn’t there some possibility here? Look at the uprising in Hungary for evidence. This was a demonstration to the world concerning the impotency of the free world in its present state of hypnotism; as well as the fact that other satellites have seen the impossibility of such revolt. Here in our country, the insidious work of the Communist Party contin­ ues. Front groups stir up public feeling, and sway unthinking students and youth groups to foolish actions. Our government reports on the accomplish­ ments of but one of the more than 200 communist front groups which have been so labeled in this nation by the FBI. Listen to the record of their achievements, right here in America; “Printed 142 memorandums and 98 leaflets; sponsored and initiated 62 radio programs, 19 on a network basis with nationally prominent speakers; provid­ ed speakers for 412 meetings of organi­ zations and groups; produced special material which served as a basis for 14 articles in nationally circulated maga­ zines; special services to newspaper editors, columnists, and radio commen­ tators; sponsored eight national and 27 regional conferences on general as well as specific topics, testified in 26 hearings before committees of the United States Congress as well as before many local legislative bodies.” And that, my friend, is the work of but one front organiza­ tion, guided by those who consider themselves citizens of our land, an indi­ cation of the Menace of Communism, the world’s greatest conspiracy. Lest our time get away from us to­ day, may I say that in addition to these messages for the month, as well as for the last, there are so many other help­ ful printed materials on the subject of Communism. I wish we had time to read the list, or of going further into the subject. I only pray that we have created in your heart a sense of the urgency of the hour in which we live. (Continued on next page) 15

on Un-American Activities, U n i t e d States House of Representatives, stated: “In a conversation which we held with the President-in-Exile of Estonia, the communists are holding the people in a vice-like grip. In Estonia the Reds are estimated at about one per cent. In Red China, a hard core of 10,000 commu­ nists spearheaded the take-over of that teeming aggregation of millions.” This fact, you see, leads to the danger of the system. A few key businessmen, some outstanding youth leaders, several respected ministers, and the Party has a hard core force with which to ac­ complish their evil purposes. Don’t for­ get that the one trait which the com­ munist has as a special feature of his make-up is lying, and doing it so con­ vincingly, that the average person would be completely swayed and fooled. Of the 86 nations of the world, only one, the United States stands as a formid­ able fortress against the massive ele­ ment and bulwark of Communism. Let us not deceive ourselves, however. We have been at war with the commu­ nists for years, a war which has resulted in a loss of billions of dollars from our treasury, with a staggering national debt that makes the minds of even world bankers reel. This war has cost us the blood of our youth, as a total war, a political, war, an economic war, a psychological war, a global war; and a war which they, the communists, not we, have been winning at an alarming rate. When General Albert C. Wedemeyer, Chief of Strategic Planners for World War Two was asked his appraisal of the communist time-table for world conquest and domination, he responded soberly, “Sir, in my humble opinion and judgement, it is already too late.” He went on to declare, “I am not a complete pessimist, however, but I have to say it is very, very late. If I were the senior advisor for the Soviet hierarchy, I would tell Mr. Khrushchev, ‘Continue to do exactly what you are doing now. Do not involve the Soviet Union in ma­ jor wars, but employ the satellites in

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