Biola Broadcaster - 1961-04

His children. Such a provision requires the genius of Deity for it must be in accord with His foreknowledge, and with His unchangeableness. There must be a way whereby the God of the Uni­ verse attends to the desires and needs of a finite being, and at the same time does not violate His own nature. This is the mystery of the mind of God and the mechanics of prayer. We cannot understand, much less explain, the de­ tails of how God brings this to pass. But we can turn the switch through humble, believing, trusting, yielding prayer and Some of us stay at the Cross, Some of us wait at the tomb, Quickened and raised together with Christ, Yet lingering still in its gloom. Some of us bide at the passover feast With Pentecost all unknown; The triumphs of grace in the Heaven­ ly Place That our Lord has made our own. If the Christ who died had stopped at the Cross, His work had been incomplete; If the Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb, He had only known defeat. But the way of the Cross never stops at the Cross, And the way of the tomb leads on To victorious grace in the Heavenly Place, Where the risen Lord has gone! — Annie Johnson Flint thus receive everything that God in in­ finite concern and love has promised. The key is simple faith. Faith like the little girl who so simply prayed and then believed that God would do what she had asked. Faith was the key to Elijah’s success in prayer. James wrote concerning him, “he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, 18 "Victorious Grace in the Heavenly Place"

ENERGY FROM GOD (cont.) power and energy contained. When we lived in Northern California I used to marvel at the mighty Shasta Dam, third largest dam in the world, which pro­ vides electrical power and irrigation water for the great Central Valley of California. There, tons of water are channeled through huge tubes large enough for a Greyhound bus to pass through, and are brought to bear on the mammoth generators which produce the power. Through a series of transformers the electrical energy is reduced so that it can be transmitted over high tension wires to points of distribution. Massive electronically operated switches regulate the flow and distribution of the electrical energy to the points of need. A single switch can control the entire operation. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? And yet, it is so highly complex that college trained engineers were required to design and maintain the installation. I am not sure that most of our listen­ ers are acquainted with the fact that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles owns and operates a full time radio station here in Los Angeles. Those of us who are privileged to have a part in its operation were intrigued and amazed at the ex­ tremely complicated equipment which is required. Electronic engineers with many years of technical training spent many days installing a powerful trans­ mitter that beams out the program. But the amazing thing is that with all the skill and scientific knowl­ edge required to design and construct such a radio station, the transmitter cap be operated, if needed, from many miles distance through the very simple turning of a switch. The trans­ mitter has been so designed that an individual who has had no training in electronics can operate it. I believe that this illustrates the dual mystery of prayer. God, in infinite wis­ dom and tender mercy, has provided a means whereby all of the tremendous resources of His omnipotence can be brought to bear on the daily needs of

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