Planting Seeds According to the Roman philosopher, Cicero, If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. And lucky for MRA Elementary students and families, we not only have a totally new library, we also have a unique, special garden in which our children can enjoy the beauty of God’s creation just steps from their classrooms. Every morning MRA Elementary parents pass this beautiful landmark known as Jenny’s Garden as they drop off in the carpool line, and many have asked about the significance of the beautiful spot. More than just a garden spot, Jenny’s Garden is a place of learning, a place for worship, a place to gather, and a place of remembrance. Planned and planted in mem- ory of Jennifer Lynn Palmer, a former MRA Elementa- ry student who passed away, the garden has become so much more than Jenny’s classmates and family could have envisioned years ago when it was dedicated. The garden now is a spot in which first graders release butterflies after watching the life cycle of a caterpillar to a chrysalis to a beautiful winged creature. It is a place in which we gather to pray and have class de- votions. STEM projects take flight in the garden and special books are read aloud in this pretty spot. Prayer walks begin in the garden. Tour-goers visit it during our annual school fund-raiser, The Gardens of Mad- ison County, and get to see not only our impressive campus but also the value we place on “planting seeds” in more ways than one! Taking advantage of this outdoor space is something our elementary school does well. Principal Amanda Smillie loves using the garden for her monthly meet- ings in honor of our Super Pats: Having Super Pat de- votions in Jenny’s Garden is my absolute favorite way to connect the children to the gospel. The Bible stories come to life while we feel the presence of the Holy Spirit meeting us in this beautiful space. There is a saying: To plant a garden is to believe in to- morrow. And everything we do at MRA is because we believe in tomorrow. Our st udents are the leaders of tomorrow, the inventors of tomorrow, the artists of to- morrow...and we are planting seeds to realize all their dreams. Jenny’s Garden is a reflection of the school’s dedication to growth, renewal, remembrance, as well as a celebration of God’s gift of the bounty of nature. In Him, we do have everything we need. -Beth Yerger
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