A graduate of Madison-Ridgeland Academy will be: A Lifelong Learner Academically prepared with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to embark upon and seek to con- tinue a rigorous intellectual path while understanding the importance of developing the mind and creating a strong work ethic in career pursuits Challenged by the Gospel Grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its impli- cations, with the tools to obtain spiritual direction and understanding Well Balanced Developing a healthy, balanced lifestyle possessing a foundation of Godly character, independence, and self-awareness. Growing in disciplines of mind and body through the pursuit of excellence in academics, athletics, and/or arts Engaged and Persuasive Participating effectively in a community of ideas as a listener and communicator - understanding, critiqu- ing, and challenging worldviews and their implica- tions - working productively with others of diverse viewpoints and backgrounds while maintaining integ- rity of personal beliefs Skillful with Technology Uses technology in a skillful and ethical manner and utilizes information systems in personal, scholastic, and professional contexts to acquire knowledge and advance learning A Servant to Others Demonstrates an awareness of his or her impact on the community, values diversity, and has the skills to understand, cooperate, and empathize with others
Lifelong learner and Challenged by the Gospel are words heard frequently at MRA, but did you know the source is one of MRA’s essential documents, the Portrait of a Graduate? Intentionally designed and articulated, the Portrait of a Graduate lists char- acteristics that a student who graduates from MRA should possess whether that graduate is in K5, 5th grade, or 12th. These aspirations represent MRA’s vi- sion for the 21st century skills, character traits, spir- itual priorities, and social-emotional competencies that students need to succeed in college, career, and life. MRA’s curriculum, culture, mission, and vision are designed to allow the littlest Patriot graduates in their white caps and gowns, the fifth graders gradu- ating elementary school, and the seniors walking at commencement to not only reach these goals but to continue to be successful in all future endeavors. This collective vision represents high expectations for our students—and they continue to rise to the occasion!
Pictured are MRA kindergarten graduate, Hines Hornback, and her brother, high school graduate, Will Hornback.
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