87137 MRA Revolution Vol 3

P roject Juembo is a community service project through African Bible Colleges. Led and organized by Vanndel Chinchen, MRA students collected and filled backpacks with school supplies for needy children in Malawi, Africa, where three Chinchen children who attend(ed) MRA were born. In June, five MRA high school students and seven MRA graduates traveled to Africa to distribute the backpacks and shoes for needy children in the villages of Malawi. The MRA team also led soccer and basketball camps where they shared the gospel, led devotions via translators, played soccer on the beach with local children (and gifted the kids the soccer ball to squeals of delight), attended a local church in a mud and stick building, toured a local school in Malawi, and the list goes on. MRA is thankful for the Chinchen family and the many opportunities for ministry that have been afforded to students through African Bible Colleges.



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