Howard Orthotic and Prosthetic: Devices in the Digital Age

STAYING ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WITH NYS AAOP The national American Academy of Orthotics & Prosthetics (AAOP) was founded in 1970 and is the professional scientific organization representing certified practitioners associated with the profession of orthotics and prosthetics. The goal of AAOP is to promote learning , knowledge, and research in the orthotic and prosthetic professions. AAOP fulfills this role by providing professional resources, continuing education, and advocacy to enhance the skill level and awareness of orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) professionals. The New York State Chapter of AAOP (NYSAAOP) is an extension of the national organization. The NYSAAOP creates an annual meeting bringing together O&P professionals from all over NY state and surrounding states. The NYS meeting allows O&P professionals to come together as a whole at least once a year to learn about the newest developments and to discuss topics related to the O&P field. Topics include patient care techniques, new products, business practices, and insurance fairness.

Roger Howard, CPO became a member of the national American Academy of Orthotics & Prosthetics (AAOP) in the mid-1990s. He also became a member of the NYS Chapter of the American Academy of Orthotics & Prosthetics. Roger took on leadership roles with the NYSAAOP starting in 1996. He ultimately served as the President of the board of directors for the NYSAAOP in 1999. In the years after he continued to serve in other capacities such as the Athletic Sponsor Chairperson.

Sara Remley, CPO became a member of the national American Academy of Orthotics & Prosthetics (AAOP) in 2014. That same year she also became a member of the NYSAAOP. In 2022 Sara also took on a leadership role in the NYSAAOP. Currently, she holds the position of secretary on the board of directors for the NYSAAOP. This board position allows Sara to stay current with developing issues such as insurance coverage, the latest techniques, and products available in the field of orthotics and prosthetics. The board members

of the NYSAAOP work to bring these new techniques, products, and other current topics to our chapter members in the form of educational programs across the state. Sara’s leadership board position continues to keep Howard Orthotics and Prosthetics up to date with the latest technology and educational programs available to ensure our patients receive the best and latest up-to-date care. Roger and Sara are dedicated to the O&P field and belong to scientific organizations in order to enhance their knowledge. They value going above and beyond everyday work hours in order to ensure that the best care can be brought back to the North Country. They will be heading down to the NYS Chapter AAOP Meeting in May and are excited to bring back the newest knowledge and techniques to better serve their patients.

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