2022 CAST by McHutchison


1. Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Vibe Yellow with Black Eye is super- powered with bold 3-inch flowers across the plant. It has strong resistance to disease and pests and performs well in the heat and cold. Garvinea Sweets are perfect for the 1- to 1.5-gallon finished container requiring only one TC liner per container, finishing in 12-weeks for beautiful retail-ready plants. 2. Garvinea Sweet Sparkle Magenta with Black Eye has hot, vibrantly colored blooms which span 3-inches across.These super-powered Garvinias are disease and pest resistant with great heat and cold tolerance. 3. Patio Gerbera Daintree's Ombre Magenta delivers a stunning display with 4- to 6-inch blooms—an excellent option for patio containers or garden plantings. One TC unit is recommended per 12-inch container with a 10-week TC lead time, 9-week liner grow time, and 14-week finishing time from liners. 4. Salvia Salgoon Lake Titicaca's light blue blooms contrast beautifully with green calyxes making a striking display.The entire series is a hummingbird favorite that is heat- tolerant and pest-resistant. Ideal for 1- to 1.5-gallon programs with no growth regulators necessary.





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