IN TOUCH SQ3 Edition 2024





1 John 3:18 - Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth.

Where are we now? My team has Members who travel close to 2000 km to attend a 6-hour Sales Quarter Event in South Africa. We have leaders who solely depend on INUKA's income (I also had that at one point). We have leaders with INUKA Volume Rebate as their primary income. In the beginning, success looked impossible. We pride ourselves on respecting one another. TEAMWORK is our motto. To the INUKA community, I truly appreciate those who were there before me, as they paved the way and made me believe it was possible. Respect your teams; you're not any better without them. Be humble. Be accessible. I encourage my leaders, as we are all "parents," to feed their "babies" with their food so they become what they want. To Non-Members, if someone convinces you to join the INUKA Business, you are not doing them any favours by joining. We live in a world where one income stream is insufficient. Do yourselves a favour and start selling. The media has made things easy for us; we no longer look down on people selling; it has become fashionable. May the peace of God be with you all!

I was born in the Eastern Cape, Mqanduli, and currently, I work in Windhoek, Namibia. I am a wife and a mother.

Let me take this opportunity to thank my husband, Dr Kaisara, for his continuous support, who has become the main character behind my INUKA journey. Simba and Mphoentle, thank you for always giving me a reason to work hard and strive to improve myself. I grew up in an impoverished community. I had to start selling items at a young age, but I never enjoyed it because I was doing it for someone else, which meant I had to be responsible for any losses. Success is not magic; you work hard for it. I am in Namibia, a country with a population of just 3 million, like the Free State Province in South Africa. You get the idea that doing business is not easy. My team, the INUKA Goal Achievers, are remarkably close to my heart. I started this business with zero clients and zero recruits. I had no idea where you all were going to come from. But because there is something called FAITH, I kept my eye on the Cross, believing that one day is one day. I know what it's like to be ignored by prospects and customers. I know what it's like to be blue-ticked and talking alone in the group. You're not alone.



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