SBS Brochure Autumn 2024

Brochure 2024 Autumn Edition

Learn about our Professional Coaching Academy

Coaching and Executive Education informed by Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology

Sandown Business School is one of the newest hybrid business schools run by professionals with over 50 years of experience. Our programmes are enriched by the latest knowledge & research joined together with our commercial, coaching and leadership experiences. Sandown Business School exists in service of the recognition for today’s need to be a life long learner, have the ability to challenge the status quo at every level whilst harnessing the magic of co-creating your reality. Our programmes compound People Skills, Power Skills and Performance Skills (our Signature 3Ps). Our students emerge able to integrate the 3P Skills into personal and professional success. Our programme design embeds learning using a 'Spiral Learning' approach. Each programme deepens the level of content which supports our students to 'know' the kind of coach they are - and most importantly - 'be' the kind of coach they want to be.

People Skills Skills supporting people to belong and have healthy relationships. Effective Communication & Enquiry Social Alchemy Humble Mindset Compassionate Care Inner/Inter Connection Trust & Safety Relational Networking Coaching & Mentoring Authenticity & Authentic Partnerships

Power Skills Skills supporting people’s innate power to excel in their roles and lives. Energy Management Decision Making A Negotiation Mindset State Regulation Self-Awareness & Self-Management Enquiring Mind Intuitive Intelligence Emotional Intelligence

Performance Skills Skills supporting people to make a healthy impact in all they do. Adaptive Intelligence Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Focus & Attention Openness to Challenge

Continuous Growing Mindset Commitment & Accountability Reward & Result


Our world is evolving faster than we are developing our adaptation skills!

Never in the world's history have humans been asked to cope with so many demands on their attention, energy and focus. We therefore need different types of intelligences and capabilities, integrated into our way of being, in order to thrive not merely survive. Whilst traditional Linear Coaching supports you to get things done and to move forward quickly. It does raise a question - is there a real change? Or is the change in the 'doing' rather than the 'being'? We, at SBS, focus on just that - how to change 'being' which results in transformational change. Our approach provides a systemic biological transformation that enables the individual to 'be' more rather than just 'do' more. We provide a whole-system approach to coaching. What does this mean? You (and your clients) will be able to make quality decisions, regulate your energy and manage your internal nervous system triggers. All of which automatically translates into being more resilient, more creative and ultimately being grounded with a healthy nervous system based in Reward - not Threat.


Those wanting to apply for a professional coach credential/accreditation. Those needing additional human behavior knowledge, skills & expertise. Professionals seeking depth to their impact. Those wanting to be known as transformational. Leaders desiring neuro-resilience to effectively lead in a BANI landscape. Anyone recognising their need to deepen their understanding of who they are, how they can live their purpose and what is required for a healthy whole-system. Accreditations and Awards These are the accreditations our Diploma courses have achieved and also our most recent Award.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

We will give you a robust toolbox filled to the brim with practical techniques, methods, theories and processes you can put into action immediately. Our purpose is to equip you to become the Coach, Supervisor and Leader you aspire to become. A place for professionals, students and life long learners to come and develop, enhance and master their inter and intra-personal power skills.

LEARNING APPROACH Our teaching is based on a spiral learning curriculum which has three key principles (1) Cyclical Learning, (2) Increasing Depth on each iteration, and (3) Learning by building on prior knowledge. Jerome Bruner (1960) developed a curriculum design in which key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers of complexity, or in different applications. As each of the layers becomes internally activated and accepted, the learner can move on to the next layer, building their skill, confidence and ultimately - mastery.


We take a person-centred approach to adult learning. Our programmes are experiential; learning by doing, being, questioning, developing and authentically becoming more you. We will show you how to develop a reflective practice, deepen self-awareness and recognise any limiting beliefs. All of which will equip you throughout your professional and personal life. Embedded in all our programmes is feedforward which you will receive from peers, tutors and, if you choose, a mentor coach (which can be used as part of your accreditation portfolio).



Our philosophy is formed by the belief that everyone has the right to pursue knowledge. There are three methodologies we use to explore knowledge: Science, Artistry and Systems . These three methodologies are currently expressed through Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology. Our working definitions are: Neuroscience Scientific study of the nervous system Psychology Scientific study of the mind and behaviour Ontology Study on the nature of being

The Alchemy archetype runs throughout our training methods. We believe in the following:

• Alchemists believe in endless possibilities. • Alchemists are motivated to manifest new and more compassionate visions for themselves and the world. • Alchemists are motivated to act.

• Alchemists are curious. • Alchemists are catalysts. • Alchemists are innovators.

If you can tick any of these traits – our programmes are designed with you in mind .

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

SBS Coaching Pathway

Master Diploma in Leadership Coaching & Mentoring Level 2 (ICF) (Level 7) Senior Practitioner (EMCC) ADCT (AC) 275 hours over 13 months Using the same spiral learning approach plus all the elements mentioned in the Advanced Diploma but all now studied at a Mastery level. Building upon the methodologies of Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology to understand: "How you are - is How you Coach'. We explore setting up your coaching business, developing a business 360, knowing what foundations and archetypes prime you for success with the Purpose Playbook strongly representing your signature fingerprint which can also become the bedrock of any business plan. Globally Accredited Practitioner Diploma in Coaching Level 1 (ICF) Practitioner (Level 5 EQA) (EMCC) ACCT (AC) 107 hours over 7 months building upon the methodologies of Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology. Come and develop a whole-system approach to your coaching, using unique SBS tools, models and approaches. Included is 10 hours of Mentor Coaching or 10 hours of Coach Supervision + the option of pro-bono coaching to kickstart your journey into professional coaching.

Globally Accredited Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Coaching Level 2 (ICF) (Level 7) Senior Practitioner (EMCC) ADCT (AC) 191 hours over 10 months All the elements mentioned in the SBS Practitioner Diploma plus Spiral Learning at the second stage. This is where you will start to build the artistry part of your coaching. There is also the option of an additional 32 hours pro-bono coaching to accelerate your journey into professional coaching. As with all our Diplomas, 10 hours of Mentor Coaching or Coach Supervision is included. SBS Certificate in Coaching Coach education hours towards: ICF (ACC) and EMCC (Foundation/Practitioner) 45 hours over 4 months Using a Spiral Learning approach which has proven to be effective in long-term learning. Come and learn how to be a coach for life and for business. Develop essential coaching skills and strengthen patterns of working with others. This will change the way you think. You will walk away with many powerful coaching tools that will change your life and your clients.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

SBS A New Science in Coaching for Business

Professional Practitioner Diploma in Coaching Accreditation: AC - AACT evel 1 (ICF) Practitioner (Level 5 EQA) (EMCC) ACCT (AC)

86 hours over 12 weeks (with two weeks off to catch up) Using a Spiral Learning approach which has proven to be effective in long-term learning.

This is a part-time course for those wishing to develop their coaching skills to support their profession or kickstart their journey towards becoming a professional coach.

Come and learn how to develop essential coaching skills and strengthen patterns of working with others. This will change the way you think.

Professional Award in Executive Coaching Accreditation: AC - AACT Coach education hours towards ICF (ACC) and EMCC (Foundation/Practitioner) 86 hours over 12 weeks (with two weeks off to catch up) Using a Spiral Learning approach which has proven to be effective in long-term learning. This is a part-time course for those wishing to develop their coaching skills to support their profession or kickstart their journey towards becoming a professional coach. Come and learn how to develop essential coaching skills and strengthen patterns of working with others. This will change the way you think.

All our programmes use Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology as methodologies for learning. You will learn how to develop awareness of the differences between coaching, mentoring, leading and managing. You will practice using essential coaching skills and receive feedback/feedforward from Master Coaches.

All our programmes are available virtually, face to face and are also available as in-house programmes for organisations to strengthen their

leaders in coaching.

Sign up to join our waiting list.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

Invest in you and your business today...

Globally Accredited Practitioner Diploma in Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems This programme is run over 7 months: M odular (online) (7 months,107 hours + 25 hours pro-bono) Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus now and see how this programme fits with your schedule.

SBS Certificate in Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems This programme is designed to build your inner coach guiding you towards a professional credential. This programme runs over 4 months: M odular (online) (4 months, 45 hours)

Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus now and see how this programme fits with your schedule.



Early bird discounts available.

Early bird discounts available

All Diploma courses are priced to include 10 hours of ICF Mentor Coach training, which is necessary for those seeking an ICF credential. This is typically excluded from other programmes and is one of the many factors that sets us apart. We include the mentor coaching and as a result are the most competitively priced coach educators in the market today.

Master Diploma in Leadership Coaching and Mentoring with Science, Artistry and Systems This programme is restricted in numbers, tailored to your learning requirements and runs over 13 months. Modular (online) (13 months, 275 +option of 60 pro-bono coaching hours)

Globally Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems This programme is run over 10 months and is currently run online. Modular (online) (10 months, 191 hours & option of 40 hours pro-bono) Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus and see how this programme fits with your schedule.

Apply for a detailed Student Prospectus and see how this programme fits with your schedule.



Early bird discounts available.

Early bird discounts available.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

Invest in you and your business today...

Professional Practitioner Diploma in Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems - triple accreditation 107 hour programme running over 7 months.

Professional Award in Executive Coaching with Science, Artistry and Systems 75 hour programme which runs over 12 weeks and is currently online. M odular (online) (12 weeks,75 hours)

Modular (online/in person) 7 months



Early bird discounts available.

Early bird discounts available.

'Coaching works because people learn by doing what they would have done anyway - just smarter, faster, better - and with support and feedback.' Consulting Today Words from our recent students completing the Master Diploma in Leadership Coaching and Mentoring

My insight has totally changed with all the training, collaborating with peers, personal supervision and coaching with SBS and guidance on research and books etc. I’ve made the shift from traditional coaching and old methods to learning and building new muscles (that I still continuously build and learn) with more confidence and belief in myself to be in better service for the client.

Absolutely go for it, be hungry for it, absorb it, it will be transformational for you and all those you work with. As one of my peers said it feels like the ‘Ferrari’ of coaching courses. I will say you will be transformed personally; your practice will be transformed, and it will position you to achieve dreams – in a business sense

The continual encouragement to find our own signature coaching style resulting in confidence to say ‘I am a Coach’.

The SBS models are designed for this agile approach which means they themselves are adaptive.

SBS Masters Programme is seamlessly designed to integrate advanced modern coaching theories with practical coaching skills, culminating in a high-level accreditation. It has had a massive impact on my personal and professional growth. I am walking away with a robust understanding of coaching theory and empowered with invaluable coaching skills.

The most impactful feature of the programme design for me has been its holistic approach to coaching. SBS emphasis on blending theory and practical application has allowed me to develop a comprehensive understanding of coaching techniques. The spiral learning approach really embedded the learnings throughout the programme.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003


The market expects coaches to have the right credentials and from recognised globally accrediting bodies. If you don't act now ... you will get left behind.

According to the World Economic Forum in the Fifth Industrial Revolution, humans and machines will dance together, metaphorically. This will allow for a more humanistic, somatic and human-centred approach to coaching. It needs a school of ethics dedicated to enabling coaches and clients to be safe. Progressive accrediting bodies like the ICF, EMCC and AC are essential in future-proofing the service offer of coaching to organisations and individuals. Coaches wanting to future proof their coaching, skills and competencies. Coaches needing to formally accredit their coaching practice. Coaches seeking to make a profession out of their coaching skills and knowledge. Coaches needing to satisfy market accreditation bench marks. Coaches who have become aware of the brand value of accreditation. Coaches who have undergone training, but are still not sure who they are as a coach and, most importantly, what they offer as their coaching niche. WHO NEEDS ACCESS TO ACCREDITATION PATHWAY EXPERTISE?


Confirmation of Qualifications: Quality assurance is becoming a priority for businesses and individuals who hire coaches. Global shift in the value of coaching: Previously coaching was considered a luxury available only to senior leaders. Now, it has transformed into being perceived as a significant contribution to the success of an organization in which all stakeholders can participate. Coaching is reaching historically underserved populations: This is a fast growing trend where coaches are developing a specialist niche. For example, focused coaching may include: coaching serving the retired population; end of life coaching; mental health wellness and female executives in the workplace. Coaching is being scaled with the help of digital technology: Employers are making coaching available on demand to give people the right level of support and provide a safe environment to help them stay well. Coaching as a workplace benefit . Forbes recently conducted a survey where they asked: 'What benefits are employees seeking for in the future?' More than half listed professional development as vital for the future and coaching was amongst the top three answers. Millennials: As a generation they are more open to seeking help from a life coach than previous generations. They see life coaching as a valuable investment that will enable them to achieve their goals, identify their purpose and improve their life. The globalisation of the world: As digital competence and experience continue to rise, coaches are able to connect with clients from many countries. This has not only expanded their market reach, but has also heightened competition.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

The quality of your attention and engagement will become the alchemy for your clients’ transformation

We want our legacy to be the development of high calibre global coaching programmes. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US


Our programmes will enable you to gain the most up-to-date globally recognised professional coaching qualifications. Our Signature models have been developed over many years of experience. Our facilitators hold credentials with the following professional bodies: ICF/EMCC and AC. They are Master Certified Coaches and have extensive business &

We are committed to the pursuit of excellence based on robust science, honouring the uniqueness of each developing coach.

We have designed stimulating, demanding and enjoyable programmes that will bring out and develop your own inherent knowledge and abilities. Be prepared to grow and develop.

organisational experience. You are in amazing hands.

We have adapted a well known quote to align with one of our core beliefs 'How you are is how you coach'. Therefore you can expect: a) support as you challenge your filters, bias, and assumptions; b) to embed your learning by practice, observation and receive feedforward from a variety of sources; and most importantly c) to deepen and enrich your understanding of you. This is our invitation to you . Come and develop your authentic self, align your inner-net, know who you are, how to remain balanced, resourced and strong in yourself. Develop the ability to listen and question to a healthy impact level that is in service of your client. Know how to focus on your client’s agenda, bring all of you to the conversation and ultimately make the difference for your client's potential. We know how amazing you are – the question is … do you? 'HOW YOU ARE IS HOW YOU COACH'

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

The Founders

Pheona Croom-Johnson Co-Managing Partner & Academic Director of SBS MSc, MA, Master Executive Coach (AC), PCC (ICF), EIA Senior Practitioner & ESIA Coaching Supervisor (EMCC) NLP Master Trainer and Team Coach Supervisor (ACTC,ICF) Pheona is an experienced O.D. Leadership Consultant, Psychological Coach; Team Coach Supervisor, Systemic Coach and Executive Educator who has been working in Executive Education since the 1990s. Pheona creatively designs, develops and implements successful leadership and coaching programmes drawing on a variety of business and psychological models, tools, techniques and other resources in order to bring the desired changes in mindset, behaviours and actions.

Pheona mainly works with the C-Suite and Senior Leaders. Prior to Covid she was leading an international team delivering bespoke Leadership & Coaching programmes in over 15 countries. She brings healthy challenge to all her clients and constantly partners with them for them to achieve their best. Pheona brings latest thinking & learning into all her work. 'Pragmatic Psychology' to bring transformation.

Richella is a Senior Talent Development Coach and Coaching Supervisor. For the past 30 years plus working in commercial and management environments with Senior and Emerging Leaders within a variety of organisations. Richella brings a whole-system knowledge, approach and wisdom to her work, having the additional qualifications: a Nutritional Therapist, interpersonal Neurobiology and Emotional Intelligence. Richella Boggan Co-Managing Partner & Global Business Development Director, BA (Hons) Economics, Clinical Nutritional Therapist, Senior Practitioner (EMCC) & Coaching Supervisor (CSA)

As a Senior Talent Development Coach day to day , Richella helps business keep and foster the growth of their most precious talented people and which helps a healthy thriving culture emerge through the teamwork and leadership that inspires others. Richella designs bespoke coaching programmes and workshops for Senior teams to help them unlock the most creative and innovative ways of thinking and leading.

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

Come and learn the truth about who you are as a coach; how to be in 'flow' as a coach and finally design the kind of coach, kind of coach, supervisor and/or leader you are and want to be.

Join our robust educational, theoretical and practical programmes. Be supported to become outstanding in your chosen professional field. Ready? Get in touch today.

If you would like to progress an application or learn more about the programme please go to our website at:

Or contact us via the enquiry or application forms there.

Alternatively, we’d be delighted to answer any queries directly: You can speak to Pheona at our London Office: +44 (0)7764 812503 Or speak to Richella at our Dubin Office: + 353 (86) 021 4003

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

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