SBS Brochure Autumn 2024

The quality of your attention and engagement will become the alchemy for your clients’ transformation

We want our legacy to be the development of high calibre global coaching programmes. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US


Our programmes will enable you to gain the most up-to-date globally recognised professional coaching qualifications. Our Signature models have been developed over many years of experience. Our facilitators hold credentials with the following professional bodies: ICF/EMCC and AC. They are Master Certified Coaches and have extensive business &

We are committed to the pursuit of excellence based on robust science, honouring the uniqueness of each developing coach.

We have designed stimulating, demanding and enjoyable programmes that will bring out and develop your own inherent knowledge and abilities. Be prepared to grow and develop.

organisational experience. You are in amazing hands.

We have adapted a well known quote to align with one of our core beliefs 'How you are is how you coach'. Therefore you can expect: a) support as you challenge your filters, bias, and assumptions; b) to embed your learning by practice, observation and receive feedforward from a variety of sources; and most importantly c) to deepen and enrich your understanding of you. This is our invitation to you . Come and develop your authentic self, align your inner-net, know who you are, how to remain balanced, resourced and strong in yourself. Develop the ability to listen and question to a healthy impact level that is in service of your client. Know how to focus on your client’s agenda, bring all of you to the conversation and ultimately make the difference for your client's potential. We know how amazing you are – the question is … do you? 'HOW YOU ARE IS HOW YOU COACH'

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

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