SBS Brochure Autumn 2024

Come and learn the truth about who you are as a coach; how to be in 'flow' as a coach and finally design the kind of coach, kind of coach, supervisor and/or leader you are and want to be.

Join our robust educational, theoretical and practical programmes. Be supported to become outstanding in your chosen professional field. Ready? Get in touch today.

If you would like to progress an application or learn more about the programme please go to our website at:

Or contact us via the enquiry or application forms there.

Alternatively, we’d be delighted to answer any queries directly: You can speak to Pheona at our London Office: +44 (0)7764 812503 Or speak to Richella at our Dubin Office: + 353 (86) 021 4003

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

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