SBS Brochure Autumn 2024

Coaching and Executive Education informed by Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology

Sandown Business School is one of the newest hybrid business schools run by professionals with over 50 years of experience. Our programmes are enriched by the latest knowledge & research joined together with our commercial, coaching and leadership experiences. Sandown Business School exists in service of the recognition for today’s need to be a life long learner, have the ability to challenge the status quo at every level whilst harnessing the magic of co-creating your reality. Our programmes compound People Skills, Power Skills and Performance Skills (our Signature 3Ps). Our students emerge able to integrate the 3P Skills into personal and professional success. Our programme design embeds learning using a 'Spiral Learning' approach. Each programme deepens the level of content which supports our students to 'know' the kind of coach they are - and most importantly - 'be' the kind of coach they want to be.

People Skills Skills supporting people to belong and have healthy relationships. Effective Communication & Enquiry Social Alchemy Humble Mindset Compassionate Care Inner/Inter Connection Trust & Safety Relational Networking Coaching & Mentoring Authenticity & Authentic Partnerships

Power Skills Skills supporting people’s innate power to excel in their roles and lives. Energy Management Decision Making A Negotiation Mindset State Regulation Self-Awareness & Self-Management Enquiring Mind Intuitive Intelligence Emotional Intelligence

Performance Skills Skills supporting people to make a healthy impact in all they do. Adaptive Intelligence Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Focus & Attention Openness to Challenge

Continuous Growing Mindset Commitment & Accountability Reward & Result

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