SBS Brochure Autumn 2024

We will give you a robust toolbox filled to the brim with practical techniques, methods, theories and processes you can put into action immediately. Our purpose is to equip you to become the Coach, Supervisor and Leader you aspire to become. A place for professionals, students and life long learners to come and develop, enhance and master their inter and intra-personal power skills.

LEARNING APPROACH Our teaching is based on a spiral learning curriculum which has three key principles (1) Cyclical Learning, (2) Increasing Depth on each iteration, and (3) Learning by building on prior knowledge. Jerome Bruner (1960) developed a curriculum design in which key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers of complexity, or in different applications. As each of the layers becomes internally activated and accepted, the learner can move on to the next layer, building their skill, confidence and ultimately - mastery.


We take a person-centred approach to adult learning. Our programmes are experiential; learning by doing, being, questioning, developing and authentically becoming more you. We will show you how to develop a reflective practice, deepen self-awareness and recognise any limiting beliefs. All of which will equip you throughout your professional and personal life. Embedded in all our programmes is feedforward which you will receive from peers, tutors and, if you choose, a mentor coach (which can be used as part of your accreditation portfolio).



Our philosophy is formed by the belief that everyone has the right to pursue knowledge. There are three methodologies we use to explore knowledge: Science, Artistry and Systems . These three methodologies are currently expressed through Neuroscience, Psychology and Ontology. Our working definitions are: Neuroscience Scientific study of the nervous system Psychology Scientific study of the mind and behaviour Ontology Study on the nature of being

The Alchemy archetype runs throughout our training methods. We believe in the following:

• Alchemists believe in endless possibilities. • Alchemists are motivated to manifest new and more compassionate visions for themselves and the world. • Alchemists are motivated to act.

• Alchemists are curious. • Alchemists are catalysts. • Alchemists are innovators.

If you can tick any of these traits – our programmes are designed with you in mind .

+44 (0) 7764 812503 +353 (86) 0214003

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