SBS Brochure Autumn 2024


The market expects coaches to have the right credentials and from recognised globally accrediting bodies. If you don't act now ... you will get left behind.

According to the World Economic Forum in the Fifth Industrial Revolution, humans and machines will dance together, metaphorically. This will allow for a more humanistic, somatic and human-centred approach to coaching. It needs a school of ethics dedicated to enabling coaches and clients to be safe. Progressive accrediting bodies like the ICF, EMCC and AC are essential in future-proofing the service offer of coaching to organisations and individuals. Coaches wanting to future proof their coaching, skills and competencies. Coaches needing to formally accredit their coaching practice. Coaches seeking to make a profession out of their coaching skills and knowledge. Coaches needing to satisfy market accreditation bench marks. Coaches who have become aware of the brand value of accreditation. Coaches who have undergone training, but are still not sure who they are as a coach and, most importantly, what they offer as their coaching niche. WHO NEEDS ACCESS TO ACCREDITATION PATHWAY EXPERTISE?


Confirmation of Qualifications: Quality assurance is becoming a priority for businesses and individuals who hire coaches. Global shift in the value of coaching: Previously coaching was considered a luxury available only to senior leaders. Now, it has transformed into being perceived as a significant contribution to the success of an organization in which all stakeholders can participate. Coaching is reaching historically underserved populations: This is a fast growing trend where coaches are developing a specialist niche. For example, focused coaching may include: coaching serving the retired population; end of life coaching; mental health wellness and female executives in the workplace. Coaching is being scaled with the help of digital technology: Employers are making coaching available on demand to give people the right level of support and provide a safe environment to help them stay well. Coaching as a workplace benefit . Forbes recently conducted a survey where they asked: 'What benefits are employees seeking for in the future?' More than half listed professional development as vital for the future and coaching was amongst the top three answers. Millennials: As a generation they are more open to seeking help from a life coach than previous generations. They see life coaching as a valuable investment that will enable them to achieve their goals, identify their purpose and improve their life. The globalisation of the world: As digital competence and experience continue to rise, coaches are able to connect with clients from many countries. This has not only expanded their market reach, but has also heightened competition.

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