King's Business - 1957-05

For Men Only

see page TO


W o u n t a i n ,


P e a c e

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P k e f e o À

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Write now to your choice of Christian conference centers — Wonderful Christ-centered Bible programs are planned for you. Well-known teachers of Bible, men and women who can inspire you in deeper spiritual living will be there. Let this Summer of 1957 be a memorable o n e - for every age group. For Re-creation and Recreation come to - MOUNT HERMON ASSOCIATION MOUNT HERMON 1, CALIFORNIA FOREST HOME CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE CENTER 4940F VINELAND AVENUE NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA



Dear Friend: NEVER BEFORE HAVE I WRITTEN SUCH AN URGENT AND DESPERATE PLEA FOR HELP. This pathetic scene of a lost child is one of many such tragedies I have personally witnessed as I watched thousands of Hungarians stream over the border to Austria. As Director of the European Evangelistic Crusade I spent over six weeks in Austria and in No-Man's- Land Hungary supervising our relief ministry to Hungarian refugees. Since I speak the Hungarian language, I have been able to work more closely with them, and to gain their confidence. I have seen their appalling physical need as well as their need for the comfort of God's Word. The bloodletting which the brave little land of Hungary has suffered at the hands of the invading force of 200,000 Communist soldiers and 5,000 tanks is now a matter of history. Men, women, children and babies have been massacred, and the dead and wounded number more than 100,000. This horrifying tragedy is not at an end. HUNGARY IS STILL CRUCIFIED UPON THE CROSS OF COM­ MUNISM! From the very first day that the Hungarian refu­ gees began to stream across the frontier the mis­ sionaries of the European Evangelistic Crusade have been giving physical and spiritual aid to these hungry and homeless people. The European Evan­ gelistic Crusade has distributed over $60,000 worth of clothing and food parcels besides over 200,000 tracts, 100,000 Gospels of St. John, 10,000 New Testaments and hundreds of Bibles. The hunger for the Word of God is so great that refugees literally tear portions of Scripture out of the hands of the missionaries who are ministering to them. As we write this letter to you CARE has notified us that parcel arrangements have been made with Austria. Now for every $1 sent to European Evan­ gelistic Crusade we can send 22 pounds of U.S. surplus food to Austria for Hungarian refugees. PLEASE HELP THESE COURAG EOU S PEOPLE NOW IN THEIR HOUR OF DESPERATE NEED. As God directs and touches your heart, please send $1, $5, $10 or $100; but send it today and mark it: "Hungarian Refugee Fund." Yours on behalf of the Hungarian refugees,

Copyright, 1957. Used by permission of Rev. Douglas Stewart


her little child Hungarian refugee mother moves steadily on to freedom in the West.

THE FOREIGN SERVICE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Vienna, Austria January 8, 1957 ,v ( To Whom it may Concern: This is to certify that I have personally observed and come in / contact with the activities of Rev. Douglas Stewart among Hun­ garian refugees. I have been very pleased to note that his work places its main emphasis on the spiritual needs of the Hungar­ ians. . . . The need is great and I am glad that Rev. Stewart and his co-workers have done so much toward filling that need. (signed) David S. Lusby Vice Consul Embassy of the United States of America Please address all correspondence and gifts to: H U N G AR IA N REFUGEE FUND Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F. R. G. S. EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. 811 Westview St., Dept. K Philadelphia 19, Penna. Dear Sir: With a glad and willing heart I enclose $ ................. to help alleviate the physical and spiritual needs of the Hungarian Refugees.

DOUGLAS G. STEWART, Director for North America.

P.S. Mr. Stewart has recently been awarded the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Award. To commemorate this symbol of freedom we, of Euro­ pean Evangelistic Crusade, have commissioned Libby Glass Company to create a 14 oz. FREEDOM TUMBLER. On one side is a replica of the Hungarian Freedom Award (the child who braved Russian gunfire holding the Hungarian Flag). On the other side is a replica of the memorable Iwo Jima raising of the American flag by the U.S. Marines. These designs are permanently fired into the glass in black and gold.

For anyone sending in a gift of $5 or more for the Hun­ garian Refugee Fund we will be glad to send you this Libby glass of FREEDOM. All gifts go 100% to relieve the physical and spiritual suffering of the Hungarian people. Your gift is immedi­ ately dispatched to CARE and our mission agency at the Austria-Hungary border. None are used for office op­ eration!


ADDRESS CITY....................................ZONE......... STATE L

THE KING’S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

Behind the Scenes

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board MAY

In the year of our Saviour

Vol. 48, No. 5

Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


Putting together each issue of a Christian magazine like T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s is a ticklish job. And an exciting one. Take our current articles on Seventh-day Adventism. As soon as the Eternity arti­ cles started some six months ago we moved into high gear. We wanted to get an answer into print as soon as possible but at the same time we determined the answer should be complete and accurate. And that meant time and work. When Dr. Talbot agreed to prepare the articles he put his full-time assistant (a former managing editor of T h e K in g ' s B u s i n e s s ) to work researching every avail­ able source. Piles of facts were assembled and then checked and rechecked. Then after the articles were turned over to our staff they were again checked by five members o f our editorial staff. The checking even continued after the type was set which meant, among other things, that the proofs were read at least 15 times. That’s a little of the story behind just one article. We take this trouble because we want to give you the best magazine we can. Why not help increase our outreach by giving just one gift subscription now? You may use the coupon below.


Rhyolite, Nevada — Ghost Town of the Old West ............ 10 PRAYER & M Y ORPHANS — George M u lle r................................ 12 IS SHOWM AN SH IP LEGITIMATE? — Phil K err............................ 14 FOLLOW ING HARD AFTER GOD — A. W. Tozer......................... 17 PERFECT PEACE — Poem — Helen Frazee-Bower ....................... 18 FIRST LOVE — Althea S. Miller ................................................ 20 W H Y SEVENTH -DAY ADV EN T ISM IS NOT EVANGELICAL — Part two — Louis T. T albo t............................................. 23 IN SPRING — Poem — Olive Mary Stewart ................................ 35 FEATURES READER REACTION ................................................................ 6 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ................... 8 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ................... 9 WORLD NEW SGRAMS — James O. Henry ................................ 22 JUNIOR K ING 'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — The Success of Mark Greyber — Leonard Eilers ................ 31 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ..................... 38 OUT OF THE LAB: The Bible & Science — Donald S. Robertson __ 39 THEOLOGICALLY TH IN K IN G — Gerald B. Stanton ..................... 40 SEARCH ING THE SCRIPTURES: ROMANS — Chester J. Padgett .... 44 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ........................................... 46 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ................................................ 48 TALK ING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore ~ 49 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION TEACH ING H INTS FOR THE YOUNGER SET — Bernice T. Cory .... 41 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ....................................... 42 COVER Late April and early May is blossomtime In the Far West. The central photo on this month's cover was taken near Borego Springs, Calif, and is typical of the colorful desert country of New Mexico, Arizona and California. The flowers are white evening primrose and purple verbena. Photo/Don Knight/San Francisco. Side photos top to bottom/Eva Luoma, Philip Gendreau, Eva Luoma, Don Knight.

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor LUCY BARAJIKIAN; copy editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

LLOYD HAM ILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager




editorial assistants: Carolyn Nyquist, Earnestine Ritter, Gladys Smith editorial board: Donald G. Davis, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Margaret Jacobsen, Chester J. Padgett, Donald S. Robertson, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

n Money enclosed

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Gift order — $3 for one year

(Start with this M a y issue)

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions/ and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to #/The King's Business." ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R.. authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.






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A Wave of Revival in a Parched Land The following excerpt from the same report challenges us to a greater effort to minister to the people of Greece. "Our meetings started at 8:00 a.m. and lasted until midnight! We stopped only for noonday and evening meals. Such was the thirst of these brethren and their spiritual needs, they left every other work so they could follow the meetings. Toward the end we experienced a wave of revival. A goodly number of souls were brought to the Lord. Among those who accepted Christ were some shepherd girls who, with all the simplicity of the life of the countryside, have come to know Him as their personal Saviour! Now as they sing, tending their sheep, you can hear the mountainsides and valleys re-echo the sweet songs of grace and of their love to the Saviour! 'My Heart Would Break . ..' "However, their poverty here too is proverbial. Families with many children are barefooted and ragged. They spend most of the winter, with its bitter cold, working hard out of doors. Little children, hardly five years old, work like the older people. They awake early, before sunrise, and return late in the evening after tending to their few sheep or turkeys which they may possess. M y soul became sad. M y heart would break with pain for these children. We need to manifest our brotherly interest to these needy ones, particularly to a brother called Thanasis, who has three little children but is tubercular. If he had about $100.00 he could start beehives, and thus provide for his family."

This Is "Simon the fisherman" in front of his mud-brick house, old, ailing, extremely poor but "evermore rejoicing" in the Lord!

The All-Sufficiency of Christ! He is but one of our fishermen brethren in South Greece, of whom one of the workers writes: "Like a mountain lily springing up from the hardened soil, here a simplicity of grace and faith rise out of the cruel poverty of these humble souls. They live in poverty as low as the ground they sleep upon. They live in their mud-brick homes and subsist on whatever the goodness of God allows to come into their nets . . . But nowhere have I ever heard so much praise and thanksgiving as that which comes out of the lips of these poor fishermen of this town! When you reach the home of Brother George Demin, you will be met at the door by his cheerful wife, with a heavenly smile on her lips, followed by their children — Joseph, and Mary, and Peter, and Andrew, and Paul, and Irene — all of them bare­ foot and ragged 'small fry' but happy because of the knowl­ edge of Christ which anyone would envy. They all come to welcome you and to wish the blessing of the Lord upon you! You never hear them complain of their poverty. Neither are they jealous of your well-being. They are conscious that Christ, in Whom they believe, when in this world was the poorest of all. They find pleasure in warming themselves in the flame of His bosom, and they bid you to come in, you the stranger who happened to go by their door, and share of the few small fish which perhaps their father was able to bring home that day." You can enrich your own soul by sharing with these humble folk as the Lord has prospered you. $5.00 would secure over 100 pounds of solid foods. But best of all, you can help reach many more like these by supporting a worker for $14.00 a week — or securing a whole Bible or five New Testaments for only $1.00. Please make contributions to: Greek Evangelical Mission, Inc.

What a joy and a satisfaction to help children back to health and to the Heart of the Master! These are children at the Athens Good News Children's Camp. This coming summer plans are being made for the care of over 400, all carefully selected from many parts of Greece. It takes only $25.00 for the care of one child for five weeks, or $5.00 for one week. GEM is directed and supported by some of the outstanding leaders on this continent, such as Dr. E. J. Evans, Dr. V. R. Edman, Dr. T. L. Lewis, Rev. E. S. Kerr, Rev. Gordon Brown, Dr. James Hunter, Mr. Harry Karteroulis, etc., etc. It merits your confidence and support through prayer, faith and gifts. For further paticulars write for free literature.

(formerly Greek American Missionary Association, Inc.) Rev. K. Paul Yphantis, Executive Secretary 88 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON 8, MASS. Rev. E. S. Kerr, 5275 Earnscliffe Ave., Montreal 29, P.Q.


T O G R E E C E . E S T A B L I S H E D I N 1 920 .

The King's Business/Moy 1957


Sirs: Our children really like Leonard Eilers’ stories. Fullerton, Calif. Mr. & Mrs. Walt Sheffield Sirs: My son, Johnny, five years old, is in the cowboy stage and really en­ joyed the article by Leonard Eilers entitled “ Cow-Country Farmer.” I guess we’ve read it to him at least six times. Bakersfield, Calif. E. B. Claud Jr., Missionary American Sunday School Union Sirs: I just finished reading Charles L. F e in b e r g ’s article, “ B la sph em y Against the Holy Spirit,” in the April issue. I have never read anything that seems so near committing the sin of “ blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” as does the last sentence of this article. Toppenish, Wash. J. R. MacCallum Sirs: Send me two extra copies of the March issue. I want some friends of mine to read the very outstanding articles in this issue; “ Love, the Great­ est Thing in the World,” especially. I’m taking that article out of my copy, punching it for filing in my looseleaf notebook binder. Oro Grande, Calif. Mrs. Clyde W. Jordan This is perhaps the greatest article that has been written on Christian conduct in the last 100 years. Extra copies of this issue are still available at five for $1 postpaid. — ED. Sirs: I have read with interest the article by Ray C. Stedman, “ The Christian & Worldliness,” and understand that it is available in booklet form. As I feel this subject is worthy o f discus­ sion in my adult Sunday school class at the First Evangelical Free Church in Fullerton, I would like to order 30 copies. Lakewood, Calif. Irving F. Ahlquisf Copies of this 32-page booklet are available until May 1 at the special price of 10c each. Copies may be or­ dered after that date at 35c each. Write to The King’s Business, 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. — ED. Blasphem y Love (cont'd) W o rld line ss (cont'd)

Seventh-day Adven tism

Sirs: “ Praise the Lord!” is all I can say for this new series of articles by Dr. Talbot on SDAism. It is unspeakably good to have Dr. Talbot once again speak out on the subject. I feel that he is a special friend of us whom the Lord, in sovereign grace and mercy, has been pleased to bring out of the bondage of Seventh-day Adventism. Hackensack, N.J. Mrs. D. Lyons )irs : I have a son who is a missionary in Nigeria and he says the Seventh- day Adventists are as bad as the Je­ hovah’s Witnesses over there. Lititz, Pa. Luther E. Cox Sirs: Many are certainly troubled con­ cerning the alarming compromise and surrender of truth made by those who, hitherto, have had the confidence of sound evangelicals. Your stand and practical messages will be appreciated by many. There is so much in SDA­ ism which is alarmingly dangerous. Victoria, B.C. Dr. J. B. Rowell, Pastor Central Baptist Church Sirs: I am delighted with the current is­ sue of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s ! Surely here is a “ trumpet” which gives forth no “ uncertain sound,” and I praise God for it. The cover is outstanding, both in appearance and content. [This issue] will surely have at least two results: 1) it will impress the sincere Christian reader with the solidity and forthrightness of the magazine’s posi­ tion on the Seventh-day Adventism question and 2) it will cause those SDA leaders who may chance to read it to know that here is a defender of the faith that “ knows the score” and is not afraid to make it known. Minneapolis, Minn. E. B. Jones Mr. Jones was for 20 years a mis­ sionary to India for the Seventh-day Adventists and since then has written many books refuting their unscriptur- al teachings. — ED. Sirs: My two daughters look forward to each issue for Leonard Eilers’ stories. It is a good feature and we hope it will be continued for a long time. Omaha, Neb. Mrs. J. Dvorak Leonard Eile rs' Stories

This little Greek child is typical of thousands in want A STONE FOR BREAD!

"Your heart would have bled could you have heard what one woman told mb,” writes one of our Greek mission­ aries. "Her youngsters were clamoring for bread but her cupboard and purse were empty. What could she do? Their desperate cries almost broke her heart. Then she thought of a crazy plan. She found a big stone which she put into the oven, telling them that within an hour the bread would be done. The little ones stopped crying and fell asleep. Then she hurried to me and asked for a food package for her children. "Along with this material help I also preach the Word of God and give out Bibles and Testaments. Over and over I hear people say, 'Your love makes us r e a liz e wha t rea l Christianity means.’ ” What it means is that we love our neighbor as ourselves. Can we deny bread to empty stomachs, or the Bread of Life to hungry hearts? With only $1.00 we can distribute 22 lbs. of food; for $6.00 send a clothing package; for $10.00 provide 10 Greek Bibles or 40 New Testaments. You can share in this missionary effort by sending your gift to the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Sec­ retary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)




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First Presbyterian Church Bremerton, Washington


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The King's Business/Moy 1957

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller GRACE

ON THE A IR . . . FROM T IM E S S Q U A R E ! WORD OFLIFE with JACK WYRTZEJM America’s / Only Coast To Coast Gospel Youth U S . , Broadcast White Sister Trio and Organist Word o f Life Quartet and Pianist Now on MUTUAL RADIO NETWORK ! every Saturday night ÄNDTEs E A S T . . . . « 7 : 3 0 P .M . i l l Some CENTRAL. . . 6 : 3 0 P .M . j j j stations M OUN TA IN . 7 : 0 0 P .M . Udifferent PAC IFIC • • • 7 : 0 0 F«IVIa 1111 ti/wies Write for free radio log fig WORD OF LIFE, Box 511, Nev|||rk 8,N.Y. CHILDREN — GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM! New Orphanage and tuition-free Mis­ sion Day Schools, reaching 300 refugee children in Hong Kong. Two Homes in the Holy Land — Beimt, Lebanon and Ramallah, Jordan. Write for Information — HOME OF ONESIPHORUS 3939 N. Hamlin Ave., Dept. #11 Chicago 18, III. TEACH IN A BAPTIST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Applications Being Accepted for 1957-58 Season

W n

M ama,” the words came in quick, short gasps, “ sometimes it’s hard not to ask why I’m having to suffer. But I want to be a good soldier. The Lord Jesus suffered more than this for us and never complained.” Agonizing pain had propelled Bob to a sitting position in the bed as he uttered those words. Mother gently helped her first-born back to his pil­ low as she murmured, “You are a good soldier, darling. Our Father knew He could allow this suffering to be laid on you, and you know it will never be one bit more than you are able to bear. Try to sleep a little now and rest your heart in God’s wisdom.” As he c l o s e d h i s sightless eyes Mother slipped into the hospital hall to let tears flow which could no longer be dammed back. “ O, Father, it is hard sometimes not to ask ‘why.’ But I would not question Thy wisdom or grace in this trial. And I do thank Thee for the new concept of Thy grace which has overwhelmed my heart as I’ve suffered with my boy. Precious Father, make that grace very real to Bobby and strengthen his spirit as he adjusts to a world of darkness and pain.” Now Mother took up her lonely all-night vigil at the bedside of her son. In those rare intervals when he slept fitfully, she tried to study a bit in the book of Nahum. And tucked away in the heart of the so-called minor prophet, the shattered heart of a mother found new challenge and strength from her Lord. “ The L ord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him” (1:7). “What are you saying?” Bob ques­ tioned even as a groan escaped his lips. “ I’m m e m o r i z i n g Nahum 1:7, honey. Would you like to learn it with me?” Without waiting for an answer Mother leaned over his bed and repeated, “ ‘The L ord is good.’ That means He is good even in your blindness and pain, Bob. Do you be­ lieve it?” His voice was scarcely audible but Mother heard him say through swol­ len lips, “Yes, mama, I know He is good.” And though the tears ran down like rain, her heart took up the refrain, “ 0 to grace how great a debtor, daily I’m constrained to be.”

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In Greater Los Angeles Area For Further Information Write: Rev. C. Rowan Lunsford Superintendent, Dept, of Baptist Day Schools Los Angeles Baptist City Mission Society Suite 524, 427 West Fifth Street Los Angeles 13, California Give Educational Qualifications and Experience

t r



m m v w w f f ........ A A A A A A A A Ô mêmêmêm ...... A/'V^—1 MUST AFRICAN GOSPELS BE RATIONED? So great is the demand that Gospels must occasionally be rationed. People walk miles, often a whole day, to hear the G o spe l preached. A frica is alive— Kenya, Congo, Tangan yika and all of South Africa. These are golden days of op portunity for the dark contl nent. PTL workers are out in their sound trucks, preaching and giving out the Word of God They give away 30,000 Gospels a week — and still eager hands reach for more. Will Africa wake to G o d ? O r to civilized paganism? It is for you to decide. , Pray for us! Gifts may be ¿ A / sent to r x i ALFRED A. KUNZ, / W V t a.,AAA International A y Director ( A A A A / . TiiePocketTestament/League j 156 Fifth Avenue N ew '’York 10, N .Y. YOU TOO CAN ACQUIRE A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLE IN YOUR HOME Evangelical Teacher Training Course ....... $8.00 Christian Foundations 10 Lessons in Practical Christian Living.. 3.50 Studies in Romarts— A thorough knowledge of this book is a theological education in itself .......................................... 5.00 Bible Foundation Course— Truths for per­ sonal work & newconverts .................. 2.00 Child Evangelism— WHY, WHERE, & HOW, with an excellent section on Vacation Bible School ................................... 5.00 Studies for NewChristians .................... 1.00 (ovritl available Correspondence School 558 K SOUTH HOPE ST. , ' LOS ANGELES 17. CALIFORNIA

A monthly column of names in the news

Probably the best planned, most prayed for evangelistic campaign in our nation’s history is the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled to open May 15 in Madison Square Garden. Scope of the Crusade can be measured to some extent by the following items. i t e m . More than 1,500 ministers in the greater New York area are co­ operating. i t e m . Some 4,500 people enrolled in the Counsellor Training program. i t e m . An enlarged staff of associate evangelists will join with Graham in meeting the need for scores of daily auxiliary meetings. These evangelists include Dr. Paul S. Rees of the First Covenant Church, Minneapolis and Howard Butt, layman evangelist from Corpus Christi. i t e m . Special pastors’ workshops are being headed by Dr. L. David Cowie of the University Presbyterian Church of Seattle, Dr. Robert Boyd Munger of First Presbyterian Church, Berkeley and three ministers from England and Scotland. i t e m . Extensive use of radio and tele­ vision will feature the New York Crusade to a degree that the Graham team has never known previously. Plans call for a night-time telecast over a local station to begin with the start of the Crusade and plans are underway for a once-a-week nation­ wide telecast direct from Madison Square Garden over one of the major TV networks to start around June 1. In Pasadena, the famous Phil Kerr Monday Musicals will start again on May 6 in the Civic Auditorium after an 18-month interruption. A firm hab­ it with many Southern California Christians, the Musicals ran for a steady 10 years usually to ' standing- room-only audiences. After a much needed rest Kerr is again ready to hold the Musicals as long as the de­ mand continues. Rumors have been making the rounds in Christian cir­ cles that Kerr has cancer. “ I can’t figure it out,” said Kerr in an inter­ view with T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , “I guess a lot of folks just have a cancer- complex. Anyway I do not have can­ cer and I have never had it.” Even one well-meaning fan a fortnight ago wanted to pack him off to a so-called “ cancer cure” clinic.

A wealth of information to help you plan and organize your vacation Bible school—place, time, staff, finances, publicity, and much more — PLUS a complete description of the ALL-NEW VBS Course for 1957


Single theme ... Ten true-to-the- Bible lessons on specific calls to Christian action ... Graded: Nursery through Teen-age ... Colorful ... Complete . .. Practical . .. Low cost! See these fascinating materials and j get your FREE VBS Planbook S T O D A Y at your Bookstore or j 1 H STANDARD PUBLISHING Wmk Cincinnati 31, Ohio to YOUR requirements! CHRISTIAN WRITING COURSE For Pastors, Missionaries, Lay Workers, Story Writers. One Lesson on "S T Y L E "— Nine Lessons of YOUR selection. (Send for complete list.) Full Price $20 (or five payments of $5). DOROTHY C. HASKIN 2573 Vz -B Glen Green, Hollywood 28, Calif. Vitamins & Minerals "Family Food Supplement” distributors and district managers wanted Family Food Supplement is creating a sen­ sation. W e need distributors to serve their friends by making this outstanding product available to them. It sells itself! An unusual opportunity. write for details <— owners — The Paul Ebling Family 2042 Larkwood West Covina, California \ I \ J PERSONALIZED____

The King's Business/May 1957



A for-men-only feature dealing with basic Christianity/by Lloyd Hamill


Ghost Town o f the Old West

In dealing with basic Christianity it is often helpful to see it in terms of our own experiences. I just got back from a desert camping trip. One of the more interesting experiences of this trip was wandering 'through the Ghost Town o f Rhyolite, Nev. :/ This old abandoned town is a graphic reminder of the glory of our Old West. The wind has a way of whining through the ruins in an almost frightening way. I found Rhyolite was a place that could make a man a little lonely . . . and a little reflective. It was gold that brought Rhyolite into existence. ¡Some 12,000 people came to make it one of the most ¡elegant— and short-lived—mining towns of the gold- boom era. It was August 9, 1904 when two bone-tired prospectors—Eddie Cross, a green kid from Iowa and Shorty Harris, a veteran desert prospector— stopped to rest on the north rim of the sizzling Amargosa Desert just east o f Death Valley. It was the kid Eddie who found the gold float and it was his partner Shorty Harris who spread the word in the nearest bar some 75 miles away. The rush was on. Beautiful buildings sprang up along Golden Street, among them 45 saloons whose doors were never closed. There was a school and an opera house and an elec­ tric plant and an ice plant and four newspapers and a busy stock brokerage and three rail lines. (Later, Death Valley Scotty bought the ties from 70 miles of one of the rail lines and hauled them off to his $3-million desert castle to be used as firewood in the castle’s many fireplaces.) The buildings of Rhyolite were not shacks. They were imposing three-story structures of reinforced concrete and gleaming marble. Among the ruins today is a portion o f the prosperous H. D. & L. D. Porter store that did a whopping $150,000-a-month business during the boom years of 1906-1909. The Porter brothers carried just about anything needed by the pioneers of Rhyolite . . . from groceries and women’s

clothing to blasting powder and Studebaker wagons. But the end came. Yes, there was gold. According to the Nevada State Bureau of Mines the Montgomery- Shoshone claim alone produced $1,388,398. But there had been too much speculation. Not enough hard thinking and careful planning. Today it’s a place of wind and, of the high, thin yap of the coyote and of memories. And I like it. I like it because it causes a man to think. And in our busy day we don’t spend much time just plain thinking. We talk and we look and we listen and we read. But we don’t do much thinking. And I suppose nowhere is less good, hard thinking done than in the area of a man’s relationship to God. A man can hear sermons aplenty and he can get a lot of advice and he can express a lot of opinions on this basic relationship but somehow I have a feeling that isn’t enough. The men who built Rhyolite did a lot of talking and a lot of listening and a lot of look­ ing. And they lost everything. I don’t suppose there’s a man reading this who doesn’t want a right relationship with God. I mean deep down inside. He doesn’t just want some good rules to live by. He doesn’t want a lot of pious- sounding platitudes. And he doesn’t want some mush­ rooming emotional fluff that looks great on the surface today and tomorrow is as dead as a ghost town. He wants a relationship with God that is satisfyingly solid and one he can be sure of. If you are such a man I suggest you really think through on this thing. And as a guide, check your reasoning against Chris­ tianity’s sourcebook, the Bible. Read and reread the Gospel of John. And as you read, think in a really concrete way about such words as these, "But as many as received him [Jesus Christ], to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”


C o far as I remember, I brought * even the most minute circum­ stances concerning the orphan-house before the Lord in my petitions, being conscious of my own weak­ ness and ignorance. There was, however, one point I never had prayed about, namely that the Lord would send children, for I naturally took it for granted that there would be plenty of appli­ cations. The nearer, however, the day came which had been appointed for receiving applications, the more I had a secret consciousness that the Lord might disappoint my natural expectations and show me that I could not prosper in one single thing without Him. The appointed time came and not even one application was made. I had before this been repeatedly tried whether I might not, after all, have engaged in the work against the Lord’s mind. This circumstance now led me to lie low before my God in prayer the whole of the evening, February 3, and to ex­ amine my heart once more as to all the motives concerning it, and being able, as formerly, to say that His glory was my chief aim, i.e., that it might be seen that it is not a vain thing to trust in the living God, and that my second aim was the spiritual welfare of the orphan children, and the third their bodily welfare; and still continuing in prayer, I was at last brought to this state, that I could say from my heart that I should rejoice in God being glorified in this matter though it were by bringing the whole to nothing. But as still, after all, it seemed to me more tending to the glory of God to establish and prosper the orphan-house, I could then ask Him heartily to send applications. I enjoyed now a peaceful state of heart concerning the subject and was also more assured than ever that God would establish it. The very next day, February 4, the first application was made and since then 42 more have been made. Just For Today Later on when there were nearly 100 persons to be maintained and the funds were reduced to about £20 I walked in our little garden medi­ tating on Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus

From the Journal o f George Muller

My Orphans


the prospect of being able to take in bread. When I left the brethren and sisters at one o’clock after prayer, I told them that we must wait for help and see how the Lord would deliver us this time. I was sure of help but we were indeed straitened. When I came to Kingsdown, I felt that I needed more exercise, being very cold; wherefore I went not the nearest way home but round by Clarence Place. About 20 yards from my house, I met a brother who walked back with me, and after a little conversation gave me £10 to be handed over to the brethren, the deacons, towards providing the poor saints with coal, blankets and warm clothing; also £5 for the orphans and £5 for the other objects of the S c r i p t u r a l Knowledge Society. The brother had called twice while I was gone to the orphan-houses, and had I now been one half min­ ute later, I should have missed him. But the Lord knew our need and therefore allowed me to meet him. I sent off the £5 immediately to the matrons. Thus the Lord, to show His con­ tinued care over us, raises up new helpers. They that trust in the Lord shall never be confounded! Some who helped for a while may fall asleep in Jesus. Others may grow cold in the service of the Lord. Others may be as desirous as ever to help but have no longer the means. Others may have both a willing heart to help and have also the means but may see it the Lord’s will to lay them out in another way; and thus from one cause or another, were we to lean upon man, we should surely be confounded; but in leaning upon the living God alone, we are beyond disappoint­ ment and beyond being forsaken because of death or want of means

Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” Whilst medi­ tating on His unchangeable love, power, wisdom and turning all, as I went on, into prayer respecting myself and whilst applying likewise His unchangeable love and power and wisdom both to my present spiritual and temporal circum­ stances, all at once the present need of the orphan-house was brought to my mind. Immediately I was led to say to myself, Jesus in His love and power has hitherto supplied me with what I have needed for the orphans, and in the same unchangeable love and power He will provide me with what I may need for the future. A flow of joy came into my soul while realizing thus the unchange­ ableness of our adorable Lord. About one minute after, a letter was brought me, enclosing a bill for £20. In it was written: “Will you apply the amount of the en­ closed bill to the furtherance of the objects of your Scriptural Knowl­ edge Society or of your orphan establishment or in the work and cause of our Master in any way that He Himself, on your application to Him, may point out to you. It is not a great sum but it is a sufficient provision for the exigency of today, and it is for today’s exigencies that ordinarily the Lord provides. To­ morrow, as it brings its demands, will find its supply.” Waiting For Help November 21, 1838 — Never were we so reduced in funds as today. There was not a single half­ penny in hand between the matrons of the three houses. Nevertheless there was a good dinner, and by managing so as to help one another with bread, etc., there was a pros­ pect of getting over this day also; but for none of the houses had we


or want of love or because of the claims of other work. How precious to have learned in any measure to stand with God alone in the world and yet to he happy and to know that surely no good thing shall he withheld from us whilst we walk uprightly! December 9, 1841 — During the last three years we had closed the accounts on this day and had, a few days after, some public meetings at which, for the benefit of the hear­ ers, we stated how the Lord had dealt with us during the year, and the substance of what had been stated at these meetings was after­ wards printed for the benefit of the church at large. This time, however, it appeared to us better to delay for a while both the public meetings and the publish­ ing of the report. Through grace we had learned to lean upon the Lord only, being assured that if we were never to speak or write one single word more about this work, yet should we be supplied with means as long as He should enable us to depend on Himself alone. But whilst we neither had had those public meetings for the purpose of exposing our necessity nor had had the account of the Lord’s deal­ ings with us published for the sake of working thereby upon the feel­ ings of the readers and thus induc­ ing them to give money but only that we might by our experience benefit other saints, yet it might have appeared to some that in mak­ ing known our circumstances we were actuated by such motives. What better proof, therefore, could we give of our depending upon the living God alone and not upon public meetings or printed reports than that, in the midst of our deep poverty, instead of being glad for the time to have come when we could make known our circum­ stances, we still went on quietly for some time longer without saying anything. We therefore determined, as we sought and still seek in this work to act for the profit of the saints generally, to delay both the public meetings and the report for a few months. Naturally we should have been, of course, as glad as anyone to have exposed our poverty at that time, but spiritually we were unable to delight even then in the prospect

of the increased benefit that might be derived by the church at large from our acting as we did. December 18 — There is now the greatest need, and only 4d. in hand which I found in the box at my house, yet I fully believe the Lord will supply us this day also with all that is required. Pause a few moments, dear read­ er! Observe two things! We acted for God in delaying the public meet­ ings and the publishing of the re­ port, but God’s way leads always into trial so far as sight and sense are concerned. Nature always will be tried in God’s ways. The Lord was saying by this poverty, “ I will now see whether you truly lean upon me and whether you truly look to me.” Of all the seasons that I had ever passed through since I had been living in this way up to that time, I never knew any period in which my faith was tried so sharply as during the four months from December 12, 1841 to April 12, 1842. But observe further: We might even now have altered our minds with respect to the public meetings and publishing the report, for no one knew our determination at this time concerning the point. Nay, on the contrary, we knew with what delight very many children of God were looking forward to receiving further accounts. But the Lord kept us steadfast to the conclusion, at which we had arrived under His guidance. Delayed But Sure March 9, 1842 — At a time of the greatest need both with regard to the day schools and the orphans, so much so that we could not have gone on any longer without help, I received this day £10 from a broth­ er who lives near Dublin. The money was divided between the day schools and the orphan-houses. The following little circumstance is to be noticed respecting this dona­ tion: As our need was so great and my soul was through grace truly waiting upon the Lord, I looked out for supplies in the course of this morning. The post, however, was out and no supplies had come. This did not in the least discourage me. I said to myself, the Lord can send means without the post or even now, though the post is out, by this

very delivery of. letters He may have sent means though the money is not yet in my hands. It was not long after I had thus spoken to my­ self when, according to my hope in God, we were helped, for the brother who sent us the £10 had this time directed his letter to the boys’ orphan-house whence it was sent to me. Like A s a Father March 17 — From the 12th to the 16th had come in £4 5s, 11l/^d. for the orphans. This morning our poverty, which now has lasted more or less for several months, had be­ come exceedingly great. I left my house a few minutes after seven to go to the orphan-houses to see whether there was money enough to take in the milk which is brought about eight o’clock. On my way it was specially my request that the Lord would be pleased to pity us even as a father pitieth his children and that He would not lay more upon us than He would enable us to bear. I espe­ cially entreated Him that He would now be pleased to refresh our hearts by sending us help. I likewise reminded Him of the consequences that would result, both in reference to believers and unbelievers, if we should have to give up the work because of want of means, and that He therefore would not permit of its coming to nought. I moreover again confessed before the Lord that I deserved not that He should continue to use me in this work any longer. While I was thus in prayer, about two minutes’ walk from the orphan- houses I met a brother who was going at this early hour to his busi­ ness. After having exchanged a few words with him, I went on; but he presently ran after me and gave me £l for the orphans. Thus the Lord speedily answered my prayer. Truly, it is worth being poor and greatly tried in faith for the sake of having day by day such precious proofs of the loving interest which our kind Father takes in everything that concerns us. And how should our Father do otherwise? He that has given us the greatest possible proof of His love which He could have done, in giving us His own Son, surely He will with Him also freely give us all things. END.


The King's Business/May 1957




er use whatever means he finds appropriate and let not other fish­ ermen stand around arguing over the respective merits of various methods. Get to fishing, brethren! It becomes wearisome to hear so many oft-repeated complaints, “ I don’t approve of ‘sensational adver­ tising’ or the exalting of talented personalities! I object to rhythmic music and religious films and ap­ plause! I think evangelists make too much money! I don’t think they should use humor or ‘death-bed stories,’ or copy worldly methods or tell their ‘lurid life stories!’ I object to ‘ballyhoo’ and ‘showmanship’ in religion; if people want to be enter­ tained they can go to a show!” And so on. Perhaps it would be helpful to discuss some of these criticisms, bearing in mind that we are not referring to services of worship or to the relationship between the pastor and his flock. We are dealing definitely with the ministry of evangelism. Let us consider the question of so-called sensational advertising and the exalting of personalities. It all depends on how much bait is neces­ sary to attract the attention of the man who is not reached through normal church channels. Perhaps he particularly enjoys music or sports and would be inter­ ested to learn of an outstanding artist or athlete who was to parti­ cipate in a certain program. Steady now. Be patient. Maybe the bait will arouse interest and the pros­ pect will be attracted to the gospel service (or to his TV screen or radio set or whatever). A bout the A uthor Phil Kerr is a widely traveled musical evangelist. He has written over 3,000 choruses and 200 gospel hymns including "In Love With the Lover of my Soul," "Melody Divine" and "W h y Should I Care if the Sun Doesn't Shine?"

Or perhaps he is concerned about current events and would be inter­ ested to know of someone’s plan to discuss world happenings in the light of Scripture. Or perhaps he is wary of revival meetings and “altar calls,” but possibly might be per­ suaded to attend an all-musical gos­ pel program with the promise of no preaching. This “perhaps” list could be ex­ tended indefinitely . . . there are countless channels to the human heart. Whatever the bait that is used, it becomes the fisherman’s responsi­ bility to capture the prospect’s at­ tention and then by some means to transfer that attention to Christ. Otherwise the effort is pointless. But someone remarks that people shouldn’t come to church to be entertained or to hear a certain per­ sonality; they should come to learn about Christ. Correct. However, remember that we are dealing with unregenerate people who have not become aware of their need of Christ. Aren’t they the very ones we are trying to reach? And a word to those who believe that personality should not be fea­ tured or advertised in glowing terms. If s ome on e has natural charm and talent, if he has acquired skills through years of preparation and then has become a Christian, why can’t these valuable attributes be amplified and divinely ener­ gized? He who insists upon being “ hid behind the cross” and “ seeing no man save Jesus only” is correct, of course. But is he not also aware of scriptural injunctions against those who bury their talents rather than allowing them ‘to be divinely utilized? Should not the possessor of talent and personality dedicate these priceless attributes to the Lord rather than smother them in pseudo­ piety? Some years ago a famed musician accepted Christ as his Saviour in

Cheepherding and fishing are sep­ a r a t e ministries. The techniques involved are distinctly different. Each is important. How regrettable that fishermen and shepherds some­ times misunderstand each other’s methods and motives! . The same Lord who commis­ sioned Peter to “ feed my sheep” also instructed him in the art of fishing . . . and in the same chapter! (John 21.) Even earlier, He had said to Peter and Andrew, “ . . . I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). Perhaps it is an oversimplifica­ tion to say that it is a pastor’s job to feed the sheep and an evange­ list’s job to go fishing for the souls of men. But it is important to note the scriptural statement, “ some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers” (Eph. 4:11). Apparently this distinction was not noticed by a pastor who asked in a recent magazine article, “Why import a professional evangelist? Why not he your own evangelist? Dispense with the expense and flam­ boyant sensationalism and high- pressure methods that are frequent­ ly associated with evangelism.” Christians sometimes will agree with that statement but there are deeper principles involved. Admit­ tedly there have been flagrant ex­ amples of unwise and insincere “ fishing” but has not this also been true in every other realm of life? Is it fair to indict all evangelists because of a few who misused their ministry? Perhaps it would be more gra­ cious to change the phrase “ flam­ boyant sensationalism” to “ a sin­ cere effort to capture the attention of otherwise unreached multitudes and to focus that attention upon Christ.” As Paul said, “ By all means, save some.” By all means! Let every sincere Christian work­


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