King's Business - 1957-05



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James O. Henry, M.A., Editor

Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

experiences in particular. “ It was discovered that the overwhelming majority of young people regularly attend some r e l i g i o u s service.” There may be some questions about this conclusion of the survey. According to the report, counting all faiths, attendance among teen­ agers surveyed was 61 percent, a 2 percent increase since a survey two years previous. “ Ca t h o l i c youngsters regularly attend their church in the largest numbers, with Protestants s e c ond , and Jewish third.” The survey showed, however, that as the teenager gets older, he or she becomes less interested in religion. The biggest drop was ex­ perienced in the 17 to 23-year-old group or those out of school and working. Certain other facts in the report might serve as a guide to churches. They are these: “ Teen-aged opinion was sharply divided on whether the churches were making suffi­ cient effort to attract young people.” “ Right at the moment,” confessed an 18-year-old Little Rock, Ark. girl, “ church bores me a little.” A 19-year-old Butler, Mo. girl thought that the approach of her church was “ too harsh and demanding, rather than filled with love and for­ giveness.” In m a n y cases the answers showed that the teenager wants religion but he is not sure whether religion wants him. Many suggested that churches put more emphasis on teen-age problems and attempt more social and recreational pro­ grams for young people. S e v e ra l youngsters advocated teaching religion in public schools, either on a required or an optional basis, but others thought this might “ force” religion on children. One midwestem high school stu­ dent, age 17, said he objected to “ the fact that so many people sin during the week, without any con­ science, and are strong pillars of the church on Sunday.” This last statement should challenge every Christian adult. END.

Brain Power Needed “ Brain power alone may be the limiting factor on how much ener­ gy, food and other necessities and luxuries the nation will produce,” said C. C. Walker, western vice- president for General Electric Co. in a speech to the Electric Club in Los Angeles recently. Mr. Walker was describing the critical shortage of people equipped with the re­ quired education. He pointed out that “ half the capable and a third of the exceptionally talented poten­ tial college students are lost, mainly during their early years of educa­ tion.” Mr. Walker sounded a warning to America when he said, “ This lack may be the determining factor in whether we remain a first-rate power — or even survive.” In his report he pointed out that “ of every 100 students entering the first grade, only 13 will finish college and only three graduate in science and en­ gineering.” Anti-Bingo Campaign Protestant leaders in metropolitan New York have joined a state-wide a n t i - b i n go-legalization campaign sponsored by the State Council of Churches in Albany. The group contending that bingo has social evils, called on citizens regardless of faith to oppose legalization of this form of gambling. A proposed amendment to the New York Constitution wh i c h would legalize bingo under certain conditions was passed by the Legis­ lature in 1955. To become effective, the proposal would require passage by the Legislature again this year and then approval at a public refer­ endum. The State C o un c i l o f Churches has little hope of defeat­ ing the proposed amendment in the Legislature. But it hopes for more success if and when the issue goes to a referendum. Teeners and the Church A national survey recently sam­ pled teen-age opinion on religion in general and on their own religious

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