King's Business - 1957-05


Dear Friend: NEVER BEFORE HAVE I WRITTEN SUCH AN URGENT AND DESPERATE PLEA FOR HELP. This pathetic scene of a lost child is one of many such tragedies I have personally witnessed as I watched thousands of Hungarians stream over the border to Austria. As Director of the European Evangelistic Crusade I spent over six weeks in Austria and in No-Man's- Land Hungary supervising our relief ministry to Hungarian refugees. Since I speak the Hungarian language, I have been able to work more closely with them, and to gain their confidence. I have seen their appalling physical need as well as their need for the comfort of God's Word. The bloodletting which the brave little land of Hungary has suffered at the hands of the invading force of 200,000 Communist soldiers and 5,000 tanks is now a matter of history. Men, women, children and babies have been massacred, and the dead and wounded number more than 100,000. This horrifying tragedy is not at an end. HUNGARY IS STILL CRUCIFIED UPON THE CROSS OF COM­ MUNISM! From the very first day that the Hungarian refu­ gees began to stream across the frontier the mis­ sionaries of the European Evangelistic Crusade have been giving physical and spiritual aid to these hungry and homeless people. The European Evan­ gelistic Crusade has distributed over $60,000 worth of clothing and food parcels besides over 200,000 tracts, 100,000 Gospels of St. John, 10,000 New Testaments and hundreds of Bibles. The hunger for the Word of God is so great that refugees literally tear portions of Scripture out of the hands of the missionaries who are ministering to them. As we write this letter to you CARE has notified us that parcel arrangements have been made with Austria. Now for every $1 sent to European Evan­ gelistic Crusade we can send 22 pounds of U.S. surplus food to Austria for Hungarian refugees. PLEASE HELP THESE COURAG EOU S PEOPLE NOW IN THEIR HOUR OF DESPERATE NEED. As God directs and touches your heart, please send $1, $5, $10 or $100; but send it today and mark it: "Hungarian Refugee Fund." Yours on behalf of the Hungarian refugees,

Copyright, 1957. Used by permission of Rev. Douglas Stewart


her little child Hungarian refugee mother moves steadily on to freedom in the West.

THE FOREIGN SERVICE of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Vienna, Austria January 8, 1957 ,v ( To Whom it may Concern: This is to certify that I have personally observed and come in / contact with the activities of Rev. Douglas Stewart among Hun­ garian refugees. I have been very pleased to note that his work places its main emphasis on the spiritual needs of the Hungar­ ians. . . . The need is great and I am glad that Rev. Stewart and his co-workers have done so much toward filling that need. (signed) David S. Lusby Vice Consul Embassy of the United States of America Please address all correspondence and gifts to: H U N G AR IA N REFUGEE FUND Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F. R. G. S. EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. 811 Westview St., Dept. K Philadelphia 19, Penna. Dear Sir: With a glad and willing heart I enclose $ ................. to help alleviate the physical and spiritual needs of the Hungarian Refugees.

DOUGLAS G. STEWART, Director for North America.

P.S. Mr. Stewart has recently been awarded the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Award. To commemorate this symbol of freedom we, of Euro­ pean Evangelistic Crusade, have commissioned Libby Glass Company to create a 14 oz. FREEDOM TUMBLER. On one side is a replica of the Hungarian Freedom Award (the child who braved Russian gunfire holding the Hungarian Flag). On the other side is a replica of the memorable Iwo Jima raising of the American flag by the U.S. Marines. These designs are permanently fired into the glass in black and gold.

For anyone sending in a gift of $5 or more for the Hun­ garian Refugee Fund we will be glad to send you this Libby glass of FREEDOM. All gifts go 100% to relieve the physical and spiritual suffering of the Hungarian people. Your gift is immedi­ ately dispatched to CARE and our mission agency at the Austria-Hungary border. None are used for office op­ eration!


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