King's Business - 1957-05



Handcrafts 1

ber, but I’m very sorry to find you in this condition,” I said. “Who are you?” he asked, giving me the once over as best he could under the circumstances. “ I’m Leonard Eilers. I’ll get you home some way,” I said. And be­ lieve me it was some job. But once there, I got help from the cook and housekeeper and we put him to bed. Later a doctor came and although he found no bones broken, he said it would be several days before Mark Greyber could get up and around due to the severe internal shake-up. And even after, he’d have to take it easy for sometime. At Mr. Greyber’s request I re­ mained at the ranch and we became very friendly. He told me that for some reason or another he took a fancy to me and wanted me to stay if at all possible. I felt sorry for him and was doing a lot of praying for him and for myself, that God would help me to be a help in what I knew was a bad setup. by O live M a r y Stewart I am so glad that God has made This precious time of spring, With fields of golden buttercups, And bluebirds that can sing. I am so glad that God has made My little eyes to see, So this great world so fair and bright Is specially for me. I am so glad that God has made My lips to sing His praise, So I can thank Him from my heart For lovely spring-time days. The accident had set him to thinking. He realized he might have been killed, and then what? What about all his wealth, his possessions for which he had worked so hard all these many years? And how about his soul? T h e m o re he thought about it the more concerned and somewhat depressed he became. “Mr. Greyber,” I said to him one night, “ how come you’re so un­ happy? You have a beautiful ranch,

B y Eleanor Doan Handcraft and Hobby Fun For Juniors and Junior High Here is the newest contribution by this popular author to meet the demand for activity sugges­ tions. This book has hundreds pf handcraft ideas for young people 9-14. Such virtually useless items as burnt-ou t bulbs, cardboard boxes, b rok en clothespins, etc. are the basic in gred ien ts for scores of useful and decorative handcrafts such as sewing bas­ kets, magazine racks, peg boards, etc. Available March, 1957. Illustrated. Paper, $1.50 261 Handcrafts and Fun For Little Ones Handcrafts for Primary Chil­ dren. Illustrated directions for easy-to-make handcrafts in ­ clu d e aquarium s, aprons, games and otner useful and eco­ nomical items. These handcrafts make perfect gifts for parents and other older people and wonder­ ful toys for the boys and girls themselves. 7 % " x 10%" Paper, $1.50

B y Vernon and Carolyn H ow ard Easy-To-Make Toys and Games Here are complete illustrated in­ structions for making nearly 50 different toys and games. Most of these toys and games will prove valuable as DVBS object lessons. Each project illustrated. Paper, 50c Easy Handcrafts for Juniors The p ro je cts described in this handy little book are useful as gifts, in d e co ra tin g children's rooms, etc. Each handcraft is il­ lustrated and clearly explained in simple language. 6" x 9"; 64 pages. Paper, $1.00 500 Things For Boys and Girls To Do This book abounds in illustrated handcrafts and activities for boys and girls of beginner's age. Paper, illustrated. $1.00

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The K in g's Business/M ay 1957

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