King's Business - 1957-05



Teaching Hints for the Younger Set by Bernice T. Cory

For you, for your family, for your friend—this book is ideal. The Banner:*'. . . for family or personal devotions.” The Sunday School Times: “ . . . rich . . .” Bishop Arthur J. Moore: “. . . stimulating. . .” Regular edition $2.50; Handy pocket size, $1.95. A Z o n d e r v a n P u b l i c a t i o n O R D E R F R O M Y O U R BOOK SE LLER

Scripture Press Editor-in-Chief,

T eaching children today is a far cry from what it used to be. No longer do boys and girls just sit and supposedly soak in or otherwise imbibe information directed their way. Children learn not only by hearing but by seeing as they hear, by handling objects and by doing. Especially is this true of two and three year olds to whom all the world is a great big new adventure. Bible truths are absorbed no dif­ ferently than are secular facts. Thus “ smart” nursery teachers pray and plan and prepare room equipment, nature objects, handwork, motion songs, finger plays, etc. to press home Scripture truths from every imaginable angle. Unconvinced teachers have been heard to exclaim in what they are sure is “ righteous indignation,” “What do polliwogs and pansies have to do with teaching Sunday school?” And the polliwogs and pansies never get a chance to prove their worth to two and three year olds in their classes. Or some have cried out, “Those suggested activities are too messy for little children!” And all the experiences with nature, so delight­ ful to children, never get past the pages of the teacher’s quarterly. Some teachers, who for years have o r d e r e d no more teaching The labor of keeping self on the throne is a heavy one. We attempt to protect ourselves from every slight, de­ mand our rights on every occasion, chafe under criticism and have our feelings hurt when others are chosen instead of us. At the same time we do not have rest on the inside. We are afraid others might discover how really parched our relationship to the Lord is so we are forced into the labor of artificiality and we must always "cover up." We worry

helps than crayons and construction paper, exclaim without counting the spiritual cost as well as the dimes and quarters, “All that stuff listed in the book is too expensive! And I haven’t time to keep a file of pic­ tures of everything under the sun!” With one fell swoop out go care­ fully correlated activities calculated to lift their teaching from the realm of monotonous routine to that of delightful surprises. Success in teaching depends on a teacher’s viewpoint — either sug­ gested activities are a bother and hence can’t be tolerated or they are a blessing to be eagerly em­ braced. Have you seriously pondered the Lord Jesus’ methods of driving truth home? When He urges us not to worry over the necessities of life, He directs our thoughts to the lilies of the field and gently reminds us that “ our heavenly Father clothes them.” When He wants to illustrate God’s care for His creatures, He uses a lowly sparrow. Polliwogs and pansies — or lilies and sparrows *— can and do teach if we’ll let them. How about giving them a chance in your nursery class even though you’re skeptical of their worth? Surely we who would be teachers should learn from the Ma s t e r - Teacher! END. over what kind of an impression we’re making and about the danger of others shining more than us. But in Matthew 11:29, the Lord gives His answer to the self burden. "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” The key is the adoption of the Lord’s meek and lowly heart. Blessed is the man who has discovered that the praise of men is not worth the cost. — G lenn O’N eal Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Talbot Theological Seminary

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Catalog and fine selection of sample materials on request Fair prices. Mention whether for Pulpit or Choir. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 14th St. Greenville, III. BROWN "Training Youth to Live since 1919” John Brown University Siloam Springs, Arkansas Education for "Head, Heart and Hand” Brown Military Academy San Diego 9, California Junior High — Senior High — Junior College Junior School— 1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach 6, California Pre-Kindergarten thru 9th grade

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The King's Business/May 1957


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