King's Business - 1957-05

3. Note the three arguments of the Jew in the light of what Paul had just taught (3:1-8). How does Paul answer each argument? 4. How does Paul sum up his argu­ ment on the need for “ by-faith” sal­ vation on the part of all men, both Jew and Gentile? (v. 9.) 5. Note carefully each indictment God makes against every heart in verses 9-18. Study Questions on Chapter 3 (Continued) 1. What is the condition of the entire world in the sight of God? (v. 19.) 2. Is there any possibility for a sinner to be justified by his works? (v. 20.) 3. What is the purpose of the law? (v. 20.) 4. What is the meaning of the words “ but now” ? (v. 21.) 5. What is God’s method of bring­ ing justification to sinners? (w . 21- 26.) Note that this method meets man’s greatest need (v. 23 ); it is free­ ly given (v. 24); it is by God’s grace alone (v. 24); it is accomplished through the substitutionary death of Christ (v. 25); His death vindicates the righteousness of God in requiring adequate punishment for sin (w . 25, 26). (Continued) 1. If justification is by the grace of God and only through faith, is there any room for pride? (3:27.) 2. Is this method of justification open to Jew only or Gentile only? (w . 29, 30.) 3. Does this method of justifying sinners violate the law of God? (v. 31.) How does it rather “ establish” the law? 4. What classic illustration of justi­ fication by faith does Paul make use of in chapter 4? Why does he choose Abraham? 5. When was Abraham justified by faith — before or after the giving of the law? (v. 10.) What does this fact prove? Why was God careful to arrange this historic fact before the giving of the law? (w . 11, 12.) Study Questions on Chapters 3 and 4


Searching the Scriptures

Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

by C hester J. P adgett

Romans (continued)

3. Who are those who sin “ in the law” ? (v. 12.) 4. What is the end result for both? (v. 12.) What fourth principle of divine judgment is taught in this verse? 5. What other witness of the truth apart from the Word has God given to men? (v. 15.) Study Questions on Chapter 2 (Continued) 1. What fifth principle of divine judgment is given in verse 16? 2. At verse 17, what particular group of people does the apostle single out for special condemnation? 3. What special claims and privi­ leges were exclusively the Jews? (w . 17-20.) 4. What was their failure in the light of their great privilege? (w . 21-23.) 5. What tragic thing resulted from Jewish hypocrisy? (v. 24.) (Continued) 1. Is there profit in circumcision? (2:25.) Under what conditions? 2. Was it, after all, circumcision that really constituted a true Jew? (vv. 27-29.) Note that this does not in any way obliterate the present dis­ tinction between Jew and Gentile, nor does it rob the Jew of the prom­ ises of God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob regarding the land and the mil­ lennial blessings! Study Questions on Chapters 2 and 3

Study Questions on Chapters 1 and 2

(Continued) 1. To what did God give the world of men up to in 1:24, 25? 2. To what were they given up to in verses 26, 27? 3. To what did God give them up in verses 28-32? 4. Does not this list of evil things sound very modem? 5. With what group or class of men does Paul deal in 2:1-16? Study Questions on Chapter 2 ( Continued) 1. What charge is leveled against those who unjustly judge others? (v. 10' 2. What do we learn about the judgment of God in verse 2? 3. Why is God good and long-suf­ fering with sinners? (v. 4.) Does His goodness often accomplish this benef­ icent purpose? (v. 5.) 4. What second principle of divine judgment is stated in verse 6? 5. Contrast the benefits of faith in the Lord Jesus and good works with the consequences of unbelief and evil works (w . 7-10). Study Questions on Chapter 2 (Continued) 1. What third principle of divine judgment is enunciated in verse 11? 2. Who are those who sin “ without law” ? (v. 12.)

Study Questions on Chapters 4 and 5

( Continued)

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