King's Business - 1957-05

church secretary and educational director worked out this book. The chapters take up the secretary, recep­ tion of visitors, supervision, communi­ cation, files and records, and publi­ city. 190 pages: cloth: Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50.

The T a p estr y o f Life By Clarice M. Jackaway

S even W o r d s of C ove By G. Hall Todd

This “ Devotional Guidebook” will be found to be true to the Word of God and challenging to study. The analogy of the Master Weaver and the tapestry of life is worked out through 10 chapters. Much of the finest in Christian lyrics is included in these pages. 160 pages; cloth; Ex­ position Press, New York, N.Y.; $3.00. E b erhard t’ s B ib le Thesaurus By Ernest Godlove Eberhardt As an aid to study and devotional reading, a layman, active for many years in Bible teaching, has arranged choice scriptural texts alphabetically under more than 100 topics to show what the Bible teaches. 715 pages; cloth; Exposition Press, New York, N.Y.; $5.00. .Ve iv C on cep ts o f Healing M ed ica l, P sych o log ica l, R eligiou s By A. Graham Ikin Here is an effort to evaluate the various agencies which are used to effect bodily h e a l i n g today. The reader need not agree with all to find much of value in the work. Valuable appendixes on special aspects of the problem include a section on Oral Roberts. 262 pages; cloth; Association Press, New York, N.Y.; $3.50. A whole year’s series of young people’s programs, complete with full directions for publicity, properties and program. A great deal of prepara­ tion will be needed to put on such programs but they will be attractive and instructive. 226 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. The professor of New Testament history and biblical theology at Fuller Seminary takes the position in this work that “ the Blessed Hope is the second coming of Jesus Christ and not a pre-tribulation rapture.” Thus the catching away into the air of the Church may not be expected momen­ tarily, for the Church must continue on earth throughout the tribulation period. Historical material of value is included as background to a study of the Greek words used in the New Testament for the return of Christ, some of which have been loosely used by pre-tribulationists. The latter, how­ ever, will feel that the author has not met every point at issue. 167 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. 5 2 C om p lete Young P e o p le ’ s P rog ram s By George F. Santa The R le ssed H op e By George E. Ladd

The successor of Dr. Clarence Macartney in the pulpit of the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Phila­ delphia, is the author of these fresh meditations upon the seven last words of Christ on the cross. 71 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. The revised and enlarged edition of this most useful volume will be re­ ferred to over and over again by its owner. Compact accounts of the 266 denominations in our country are ac­ companied by lists of headquarters of denominations and church member­ ship statistics, a glossary of terms, bibliography and an index. 255 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, New York, N.Y.; $2.95. The D ev e lo pm en t o f M od ern Christian ity Since 1 5 0 0 By Frederick A. Norwood The author takes up the thread of church history with the Reformation of the 16th century as the age of reform (1500-1648), passes on through the age of enlightenment (1603-1815) and the age of progress (1815-1914) to the age of turmoil (1914-1955). A tacit assumption of the author is that religious liberalism and the ecumeni­ cal movement are the real successors to historic Christianity. Bibliogra­ phies follow each chapter. 256 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, New York, N.Y.; $3.75. Twenty penetrating studies of Old Testament women find their places in this volume. Both pastors and leaders of women’s work will be challenged by the suggestions on every page, and the warm, evangel­ ical tone of the author is most satis­ fying. 188 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50. The Baker Co-operative Reprint Library adds a well known and long out of print work on Philippians by a professor in the United Presbyterian College, Edinburgh. Spurgeon said of it, “ A noble volume. A real boon to the man who purchases it.” Notes on the Greek text and the epistle of Poly­ carp to the Philippians are in the form of appendixes. 490 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. H andbook o f D enom inations in the United States God P o r tra y s M o r e W om en By Grace McAllister The Ep istle to the Philippians By Robert Johnstone

D evotiona l Studies of Old T estam en t T yp e s By Fred H. Wight

Many good things will come to light in the reading of this work. Homiletical suggestions abound. Fair­ ly full treatment of the Pentateuch and Joshua is followed by briefer discussions on the rest of the Old Testament. 255 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $3.50. Itouj to be a H app y Christian By J. Nieboer The reader will be amazed at the many facets of the joy of Christian living touched upon by the author. He takes up the basis of the believer’s joy, reasons for failure and the mani­ fold sources of joy. To read this book will be to increase one’s joy in the Lord Jesus Christ and His service. 175 pages; cloth; Our Daily Walk Publishers, North East, Pa.; $2.75. This collection includes, in addi­ tion to the poetry, a number of prose selections, all excellent. Unfortunate­ ly few credits are printed, although one discovers some of his favorites here. 119 pages; cloth; boxed; Zon- dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. Countless thousands of God’s chil­ dren have used these meditations as commentary on their Scripture read­ ing at morning and evening devotions for almost a century. This valuable aid to devotion is now obtainable complete and unabridged in the large type edition. 744 pages; cloth; Zon- dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. It On ly Happen s to P rea ch ers By Ken Anderson The anecdotes printed here were selected as the best submitted by many hundreds of ministers of their personal experiences in the work of the Lord. A balance is maintained between the serious and the humor­ ous, and all the material is eminently useful for illustrative purposes. 185 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. The V a lle y of S ilence Compiled by Jack Shuler M orn ing and Even ing Da ily Readings By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The King's Business/May 1957


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