King's Business - 1957-05

A Wave of Revival in a Parched Land The following excerpt from the same report challenges us to a greater effort to minister to the people of Greece. "Our meetings started at 8:00 a.m. and lasted until midnight! We stopped only for noonday and evening meals. Such was the thirst of these brethren and their spiritual needs, they left every other work so they could follow the meetings. Toward the end we experienced a wave of revival. A goodly number of souls were brought to the Lord. Among those who accepted Christ were some shepherd girls who, with all the simplicity of the life of the countryside, have come to know Him as their personal Saviour! Now as they sing, tending their sheep, you can hear the mountainsides and valleys re-echo the sweet songs of grace and of their love to the Saviour! 'My Heart Would Break . ..' "However, their poverty here too is proverbial. Families with many children are barefooted and ragged. They spend most of the winter, with its bitter cold, working hard out of doors. Little children, hardly five years old, work like the older people. They awake early, before sunrise, and return late in the evening after tending to their few sheep or turkeys which they may possess. M y soul became sad. M y heart would break with pain for these children. We need to manifest our brotherly interest to these needy ones, particularly to a brother called Thanasis, who has three little children but is tubercular. If he had about $100.00 he could start beehives, and thus provide for his family."

This Is "Simon the fisherman" in front of his mud-brick house, old, ailing, extremely poor but "evermore rejoicing" in the Lord!

The All-Sufficiency of Christ! He is but one of our fishermen brethren in South Greece, of whom one of the workers writes: "Like a mountain lily springing up from the hardened soil, here a simplicity of grace and faith rise out of the cruel poverty of these humble souls. They live in poverty as low as the ground they sleep upon. They live in their mud-brick homes and subsist on whatever the goodness of God allows to come into their nets . . . But nowhere have I ever heard so much praise and thanksgiving as that which comes out of the lips of these poor fishermen of this town! When you reach the home of Brother George Demin, you will be met at the door by his cheerful wife, with a heavenly smile on her lips, followed by their children — Joseph, and Mary, and Peter, and Andrew, and Paul, and Irene — all of them bare­ foot and ragged 'small fry' but happy because of the knowl­ edge of Christ which anyone would envy. They all come to welcome you and to wish the blessing of the Lord upon you! You never hear them complain of their poverty. Neither are they jealous of your well-being. They are conscious that Christ, in Whom they believe, when in this world was the poorest of all. They find pleasure in warming themselves in the flame of His bosom, and they bid you to come in, you the stranger who happened to go by their door, and share of the few small fish which perhaps their father was able to bring home that day." You can enrich your own soul by sharing with these humble folk as the Lord has prospered you. $5.00 would secure over 100 pounds of solid foods. But best of all, you can help reach many more like these by supporting a worker for $14.00 a week — or securing a whole Bible or five New Testaments for only $1.00. Please make contributions to: Greek Evangelical Mission, Inc.

What a joy and a satisfaction to help children back to health and to the Heart of the Master! These are children at the Athens Good News Children's Camp. This coming summer plans are being made for the care of over 400, all carefully selected from many parts of Greece. It takes only $25.00 for the care of one child for five weeks, or $5.00 for one week. GEM is directed and supported by some of the outstanding leaders on this continent, such as Dr. E. J. Evans, Dr. V. R. Edman, Dr. T. L. Lewis, Rev. E. S. Kerr, Rev. Gordon Brown, Dr. James Hunter, Mr. Harry Karteroulis, etc., etc. It merits your confidence and support through prayer, faith and gifts. For further paticulars write for free literature.

(formerly Greek American Missionary Association, Inc.) Rev. K. Paul Yphantis, Executive Secretary 88 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON 8, MASS. Rev. E. S. Kerr, 5275 Earnscliffe Ave., Montreal 29, P.Q.


T O G R E E C E . E S T A B L I S H E D I N 1 920 .

The King's Business/Moy 1957


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