King's Business - 1957-05

Dr. Clyde M. Narromore, duate of Columbia Unl- îrsity, New York City, is chologist and Consultant i Research and Guidance i one of the largest hool systems In America.

A. I understand how you must feel. However, your husband’s cursing is undoubtedly the result of his unre­ generate condition. If he knew the Lord he wouldn’t have this trouble. Your worrying is no solution. You must simply commit it to God and forget it. Your husband undoubtedly needs love, not nagging. Often our well- meaning desires for our loved ones actually prevent them from coming to Jesus Christ. Our duty is not to tell another how to live but to show him the love of God by living an attractive life every day. This isn’t easy but God will give you victory. It is much easier to give a lecture on the evils of cursing than it is to live a godly life. Be honest with yourself: What is your greatest desire? Is it to glorify God and to see your husband won to our Saviour or is it to rid yourself of the embarrassing cursing of your husband? It will take real womanly cour­ age and Christian love on your part to overlook his faults but the result can only be to the glory of our Lord. When he finally surrenders to the Saviour, God will give him a clean mind and heart. Marriage Q. Does the Bible encourage mar­ riage? A. God’s Word places considerable emphasis on marriage. Through Adam and Eve, His command to the human race is, “ . . . Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth . . .” (Gen. 1:28). It is also evident from the Scriptures that not all people should marry (1 Cor. 7). Happiness is not dependent upon marriage but rather upon one’s de­ votion to the Lord Jesus Christ.

in helping us teach this little boy to read, I’d be very, very grateful. A. Your son should have profes­ sional diagnosis. This will uncover the true causes of his inability to read. The diagnosis should be done by a school psychologist. I suggest that you contact your school prin­ cipal and request a complete case study by the psychologist who serves your district. This special service is free of charge. The psychologist will talk with you and your husband as well as with the classroom teacher. Then he will give examinations to deter­ mine the causes. It could be one or a combination of the following: Low intelligence, poor teaching, brain damage or emotional disturb­ ance. Cursing Q. All our married life, my hus­ band’s cursing has been a great em­ barrassment to me and my church friends. I beg him constantly to stop cursing because it is so hateful in God’s sight. He just says he wants to but he can’t stop. What can I do? Life & Love Every Christian home should have a copy of “Life and Love” by Dr. Clyde M. Narramore. Sex education for teenagers and all those who counsel with them. Christ-centered. Cloth b ind in g , $2.50; paper, $1.50. (Add 12$ per book for post­ age.) For immediate shipment order your copy today. BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Who Is Smarter? Q. Who is smarter, boys or girls? A. No significant difference has been found in the average intelli­ gence of boys and girls but the vari­ ability seems to be greater among boys. In the lower range of intelligence, scores are more frequently found for boys. However, there are also more gifted children among males, the proportion in some studies being 120 males to 100 females. Special abilities are more common in boys than in girls. Unusual arithmetical, mathematical and mechanical tal­ ents are quite rare in girls. On the average, speech develops at an earlier age in girls than in boys. The language difficulties, in­ cluding speech defects, reading dif­ ficulties, spelling and writing dis­ abilities are more common in boys. The speech disorders more often persist into adult life in men. Reading Problem Q. I’m writing in regard to our 10- year-old boy who needs help with his reading. He is a student in the fifth grade. However, each year I hear the same thing, “We hope eventually John will learn to read.” But the teachers keep sending him on from one class to the next. His father and I have to read all his homework to him, then he can do it. I feel as does his present teacher that he never had the basic training in reading. How­ ever, all I hear is, “We’re not set up to help the slow child.” So I felt perhaps there was something you could suggest. John is one of three children and they have all been reared in a Chris­ tian home, all belong to the Lord. If you could be of any assistance



The King's Business/Moy 1957


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