King's Business - 1957-05

A scholarly Christian faculty, a magnificent plant, the finest of modern equipment— Bob J o n e s University, of course, has ctlljof these—do not of themselves guarantee a successful education. There must be a devotion to the task of training young people and a workable philosophy of life to impart. T h e W M ^ y V U x f ' 'U w UAM a I'

offer! its students more than the finest of scholarship and culture. Its well-rounded educational program combining H ig h a cadem ic s ta n d a r d s ,

A C h ris tia n p h ilo s o p h y , C u ltu ra l t r a in in g , a n d a S tr o n g e v a n g e lis tic em p h a s is

produces well-rounded graduates prepared to meet the roitWiesjDnd emerg$ifi|ies of life, dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, and inspired for service and soul win^KaTA.


Music, speech, ancl art without additional cost above regular academic tuition. Academy and seventh and eighth grades in connection. S um m e r Session—Ju n e 3 - J u ly 6

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