Park Place Sedona Online Brochure

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From theSonoran Desertto theM ountainsofFlagstaf,Arizonaisaland ofstunning diversity.N o com pany understandsthatbeterthan M iram ontecom panies.Capturing thees enceofeach environm entalyand culturaly-uniquecom m unityitservesw ithin theGrand Canyon Statehashelped transform thisA rizona-based regionalcom pany into thestate'sprem ierprivately-held hom ebuilder. Expertly navigating theturbulenteconom icw atersim pacting thedevelopm entand building industry overthepastdecade,ake n focusand w orld-clas leadership hashelped elevateM iram onteinto oneofthelargestand m ostsuc es fulresidentialbuildersin A rizona. M iram onteH om esstand asahalm ark ofcraftsm anship,valueand custom erfocus.W hetherthetask requiresseam les ly blending specificenvironm entaland culturalelem entsinto 21stCentury architectural design -w orking closely w ith each custom erto realizeaperfect,yetafordablespace-M iram onte providesan exceptionalbuilding experience. From high-density,urban m ulti-fam ily dw elingsto sem i-custom and Istm ove-up com m unities- M iram onte'sportfolio spanstheentirerangeofthebuilding continuum .Let'snotforgetM iram onte's visualy-stunning busines ,oficeand w arehousespaces.Additionaly,M iram ontem anagesland developm entforitsow n com m unitiesand for otherhom ebuilders. Ow ned by ChrisKem m erly and led by ateam w ith m orethan acentury ofcom bined experience, M iram onteisa fuly-integrated builderw ith unparaleled scope,resourcesand capabilities.A titsheart, M iram onteisrightathom ein Arizona.

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