VitrA Bathroom Collection 2025 Brochure

WCs | Close-coupled


For complete technical specifications for all our products, please visit

Total price £511

Total price £511

Total price £551

Comfort height is DDA Compliant

All of this for £511


Zentrum close-coupled WC pan, SmoothFlush, back-to-wall H: 400mm W: 355mm P: 610mm 7783L003-0585

Zentrum close-coupled WC pan, SmoothFlush, open back H: 400mm W: 355mm P: 610mm 7784L003-0075

Zentrum comfort height close-coupled WC pan, SmoothFlush, open back H: 480mm W: 360mm P: 625mm 5694B003-0075 £308 Zentrum close-coupled cistern, inc. fittings 5783S003-5325 £155 Zentrum toilet seat 94-003-001 £88



Zentrum close-coupled cistern, inc. fittings 5783S003-5325 £155

Zentrum close-coupled cistern, inc. fittings 5783S003-5325 £155

Zentrum toilet seat 94-003-001

Zentrum toilet seat 94-003-001




For only £31 more, upgrade to a Zentrum soft-closing toilet seat

94-003-009 - £119


SmoothFlush VitrA SmoothFlush WC pans have no rims or openings that might harbour harmful bacteria or microorganisms. This make VitrA SmoothFlush WC pans much easier and offer maximum hygiene.

1 Zentrum close-coupled WC pan, SmoothFlush, open back (7784L003-0075) £268

2 Zentrum close-coupled cistern, inc. fittings (5783S003-5325) £155

3 Zentrum toilet seat (94-003-001) £88

12 Close-coupled WCs | Bathroom Collection

Prices include 20% VAT

VitrA | Close-coupled WCs 13

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