How to send messages 1. Click the paper airplane icon on the left of the screen.
3. Type the name of your recipient and select them from the list. 4. Begin typing your message, and press enter to send. How to download the app Instagram is most often used on mobile phones and tablets as it is easier to take photos and immediately upload them through the app. In order to access Instagram on your phone follow the steps below to install the Instagram app. The process for creating and using your account will be the same as outlined above. 1a. If you own an android phone – search the Google Play store for ‘Instagram’. Click the ‘Install’ button to begin installing the app.
2. Here you’ll be able to see all your previous messages, sorted by recipient. To send a new message, either click on their chat, or click the new message icon on the top right (or the ‘send message’ button on the right).
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