Senior Lawrentian Magazine

The group has provided views about a range of topics, including equity and fairness in relation to the sanction system. They are proving themselves to be insightful and their contribution is valuable. Mr Pennells, Mr Ravenwood and myself attended the HPL conference at Warwick University this Spring and returned inspired about the development of a

professional research culture, building on the work of those colleagues already undertaking academic qualifications. We will add this to our portfolio of ideas, all focused on developing and enhancing the experience of our pupils.

Mrs K Parker, Assistant Head (Academic)



This was an exciting and challenging year for St Lawrence as we worked towards our accreditation in early 2023. The Michaelmas Term involved a great deal of evidence gathering, collecting materials created by teachers and students to show off just how far we have come along our High Performance Learning journey. I have to say that collating the evidence was an absolute pleasure. Reviewing and revisiting the outcomes of so much hard work and excellent practice was a joy. High Performance Learning is now built into the bones of the school. Our lessons, our activity programme, our academic and our pastoral work shows our focus on the principles that every student can achieve well, make progress and become a lifelong learner. Early in the Lent Term Dr Linda Rush and Anne Howells, both representatives from HPL, visited the College and were able to re-accredit us as an HPL school without reservation. We were mindful that although this point might have seemed like an ideal chance for a little break, it also presented an opportunity to use the momentum gained and to see how much further we could go.

So, having already run three Learning Skills mornings for pupils to refresh their understanding of all things HPL, we planned two more. In the Lent term, all of the new joiners took part in a design challenge, practising collaboration, analysis and creativity, along side thinking about how HPL could help them with careers in the future. They also designed products for an imaginary future and the outcomes were very exciting. This year we also invited parents to join a working party to discuss how they can support their children as learners and how the school can support them to do this. Ideas generated by the group include regular HPL tips for parents (which you will have seen in my letters home) and also feedback from school on how children are progressing with HPL.

We are working on how best to approach this, so watch this space!

The Student Voice Group has continued to play an integral part in the development of HPL at St Lawrence College and I would like to thank all of those who have taken part by attending meetings and contributing ideas this year.



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