This year we had an inexperienced team after losing most of last year’s first team. Fortunately they all did their best and when at full strength they were a match for anyone. In the Michaelmas Term there were wins against King’s Rochester (twice) and Ashford School but two narrow defeats to Sevenoaks. David Van Well, Spandan Rai, Vaaroon and Allwin were particularly good in these matches. After Christmas we again beat King’s Rochester twice but lost again versus Sevenoaks. The season culminated with the King’s Rochester tournament in March where none of our first four players were available but the next four stepped up and did really well, finishing second
overall. Christian Tomlin, Daniele Zhang, Su Qin Zhen, Mahesh Gurung Tega Gbagi and Phineas Horan all deserve a mention for their efforts over the course of the year. Lodge were the winners of the Boys’ Inter-House badminton competition and Bellerby won the Girls’ competition.
I look forward to seeing the same effort and enthusiasm next year.
Mr G Higgins, Badminton Coach
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