King's Business - 1945-10

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October, 1945

THINGS NEW AND OLD, by J. R. S. Wilson. Appreciation for the twenty- three searching messages of this book is heightened by the brief biograph­ ical sketch of the author, prepared by a fellow Christian worker, and pub­ lished as an introduction to the ser­ mons. Called to be with, Christ in 1942, Mr. Wilson had been a frequent and favorite preacher at Keswick, a minister well known especially in Scotland. His ‘ messages display a yearning zeal ’for the lost and an apt use of convincing illustrations. 184 pages. Pickering and Inglis, 229 Both- well St., Glasgow. Cloth.‘Price 6/ net. ♦ ♦ ♦ THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS, by M. R. De Haan, M.D. Written by the popular teacher of the Radio Bible Class, Worldwide broadcast, this book will fill a real need for a concise, accurate and interesting volume on this subject. Although not exhaustive, it covers the essentials of the Second Coming under such titles as, “He is Coming Again,” “That Blessed Hope,” “When Jesus Comes,” “The Mysteries of the Kingdom,” “The Antichrist,” and “Peace in a World of War.” 178 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. ♦ ♦ ♦ THE MARVELS OF GRACE, by Oswald J. Smith, Litt. D. Here are thirty-six fine Gospel sermons from the pen of the. pastor of the Peoples Church of Toronto, Canada, dealing with such significant subjects as “Which Church Saves?” “Who is a Christian?” “Salva­ tion Versus Religion,” “The Demon of Sin,” and many others. In some cases, Dr. Smith has made use of the dia­ logue style in order to make the dis­ cussions more interesting. 127 pages. The Peoples Press, Toronto, Canada. Cloth. Price $1.00. ♦ ♦ ♦ HEART-BEATS, by Arthur Meyer. The author states in his preface that “these little sketches are but the outpouring of life’s touches upon one’s human heartstrings and it is the writer’s prayer that some of them may be the fingers used ,to create a melody to­ ward Christ-like living upon some other human heartstrings.” Beauti­ fully and tenderly written, this volume includes brief essays and illustrations which will warm the reader’s heart and assist in the preparation of mes­ sages. 136 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans

THEREFORE STAND, by Wilbur M. Smith. In C. V. Crabb’s “Personality Prevails” this statement is made: “An apologist today who spends his time trying to defend the line that guards baptism, or even the incarnation, or the inspiration of the Bible, is not acquainted with the trends of modern thought. The real battle is over the very existence of any spiritual reali­ ties at all, over whether there is any such thing as rightness or goodness or oughtness.” We might say that Dr. Smith’s book is a commentary on this sentence, well written, cogently out­ lined, copiously documented from an almost incredible variety of sources. It is a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the origin, nature, and extent of modern skepticism. He .at­ tacks atheism, basing his outline on the points taken up in Paul’s Athen­ ian address as 1recorded in Acts 17: “The Creation of the World by God: the Apologetic for our Era of Scien­ tific Emphasis” ; “The Resurrection of Christ from among the Dead: the Apologetic for an Age Demanding His­ torical Certitude” ; “A Righteous Judg­ ment to Come: the Apologetic for This Time of Disappearing Ethical Stand­ ards.” The concluding chapter is an . amazingly lucid definition of the exact task of the modern Christian apolo­ gist. Since the tremendous shift in the battle line between conservative Christianity a n d t h e unbelieving world, the older books on apologetics no longer serve. This is the first great book on this subject and should be in the possession of every minister and every Christian. 611 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston. Cloth. Price $3. ♦ ♦ ♦ THE COVENANT IDEA IN NEW ENG­ LAND THEOLOGY, by Peter Y. De Jong. This volume is the published doctorate thesis of Dr. De Jong. Thor­ oughly documented with an excellent bibliography, it is a brief survey of covenant theology from earliest times to the reformation; from that time on to 1847, it is a somewhat detailed history of covenant theology in the New World. For'students of theology and of church history, this book will prove a valuable link in the step from European reformation days to the great denominational era in American church history. 264 pages. W. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rap­ ids. Cloth. Price $2.50,

Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. ♦ ♦ ♦ BE YE ALSO READY, by Robert G. Lee, D. D., LL.D., Litt. D. This collec­ tion of seven scholarly evangelistic messages is high lighted with excel­ lent illustrations and telling quota­ tions. The “fire” which characterizes Dr. Lee’s spoken word still glows in these printed sermons. They will be helpful in making the Gospel known. 133 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25. ♦ ♦ ♦ REVIVAL APPEALS, by John R. Rice. D. D., Litt. D. Comprised of sixteen strong sermons preached by Dr. Rice in evangelistic campaigns, this book will appeal not. only to Christian workers, but to the unsaved. Follow­ ing each sermon, a form is provided on which the reader may indicate his decision to receive Christ as Saviour. In accordance with the author’s desire, this volume should “stir revival fires” in many hearts. 216 pages. Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111.- Cloth. Price $1.50. m ;t ♦ THE FAMILY OF GOD AND OTHER STUDIES, by William L. Pettingill. Here is a book of twenty-one excel-, lent Bible studies by one of Amer­ ica’s best Bible teachers. Dealing in an exceptionally clear manner with various subjects which every Christian should understand, these short trea­ tises will be helpful in the preparation of sermons, prayer meeting talks, and messages for young people. 182 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers, Find­ lay, Ohio. Cloth. Price $1.50. ♦ ♦ ♦ FOG OVER HONGKONG, by Ken An­ derson. An authentic Oriental story centering around the tense mystery­ laden days before and after December 7. Interwoven with the account, is the tale of the development of the faith of a newly-confessed Christian wife. 160 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.25.


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