King's Business - 1945-10


October, 1945

OuSi R eader Speak Sharing the Magazine “ I surely do appreciate this fine maga­ zine and use the material on the Sunday School lessons extensively in my teaching. When I am through with my copies, I pass them on to a missionary who is working among the immigrants in the cotton camps of Arizona, so they really do serve a very good purpose.” M rs. Earle G. Kelsey M inneapolis, M inn. ‘‘I do enjoy all the helpful articles and the editorials in your magazine, and after reading them, send them to a friend who is a prison visitor. She says the boys read them with great interest. God bless edi­ tors and co-workers.” Ida W . H aygooni A n n Arbor, M ich. “ It is my desire that you use three dol­ lars for subscriptions to missionaries or someone else of your choice. The Bible In­ stitute and all of its activities are much in my thoughts and I am sure that God is using you all in a special way. I’m glad to have a small part in this wonderful work for our Saviour.” Beatrice M. Potter C osta M esa. Calif. “ I came here to do medical work in 1939. I have appreciated the gift of THE KING'S BUSINESS for these years. I have used many of your articles in Bible classes. All the magazines have been saved and now the president of the Hebrew Christian Al­ liance here wishes to have them. He will be glad for the articles to use in his daily teaching.” Jane H aley Tel A v iv , Palestine “ THE KING’S BUSINESS is always a welcome magazine at our inland station; I have certainly appreciated receiving its mes­ sages. I was especially thrilled with the article by Dr. Robert H. Glover on ‘Postwar Missions.’ I read it to one of our gatherings on Prayer Day and my co-workers were equally blessed by it.” Geraldine J. Hinote A b aiyat, via M elut A n g lo -E g y p tia n Sudan

CARLETON E. NULL IS ON THE H IGHW AY S Send your name & address for “ C U R R E N T A C T U A L E X ­ P E R IE N C E S . ” Each issue w ill relate experiences h itch ­ hiking, travel in our own “ M o vin g P ulp it” and true stories of w itnessing. Published as the incidents occur, they will be m ailed F R E E . “ A C T U A L E X P E R I E N C E S ” The popular book of thrillin g true stories of a quarter m il­ lion m iles in H ig h w a y Evangelism . 25c per copy. (A pocket size edition is expected from the press about N ov. 1st. It w ill sell for 10c each, 12 copies for $1.00.) “ F R U IT F U L A C T U A L E X P E R I E N C E S ”

A new book of different A C T U A L E X P E R I E N C E S that is expected from the press about N ovem ber 1st. Pocket size, it will sell for 10c each, 12 copies for $1.00. C E L L O P H A N E F O R R O L L IN G T R A C T S 1000 Sheets, size 3x6>/2 Inches, assorted co lo rs..........................................$1.50 CARLETON E. NULL, INC. 526 Fifteenth Stree t* O akland 12, C alifornia H ig h w a y E va n ge lism ★ Bible B ook Store A A ctual Experiences

ü m Dr. Raymond B. Baker says;

The opportunity of Presen^ou_ Christ to physically, sands »ho need per- mentally, aa ay other single haps “ore ^ ised through the ¡ ¡ g l f i ! o f t h e W « 1 ®

- J B F ' g language, and Transcending linef fulfills that statemen d o n a t i o n don. •« g g j to Lepers.

aone it unto me".

~tBtes of Burma the


nnr work in the Shan staJ;® ion to Lepers

in presenting the P yielded unmeasurable

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Redmond B. Buker

Dr. Buker, familiarly known as "one of the twins" was recently appointed Foreign Secretary by the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society. He has been a missionary sincé 1926 serving successfully many years in Burma. Here with his brother Richard, he was especially active in leprosy work which increased from 100 leprosy patients to some 1000 in ten colonies. This testimony is indisputable evidence of the need and value of this unique co-operative work in over 100 Mission Stations in 30 countries. Your gift makes available food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and, above all, the comforts of the Gospel. B R A N C H O F F I C E S

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