King's Business - 1945-10


October, 1945

"P ILGR IM 'S PROGRESS" Now in Flanoblot Bunyàn's tnimortal story 1OOl'e powerfully Winning than ever. Over 100 attractive illustrations, richly colored. Large 62-page Manual with text and 26 lesson scenes. For S. S., Y. P., Child Evange­ lism, study groups, etc. Complete Flanoblot set' only $3.00; Manual 50c. Order today. “ Flanoblot” adheres to your flannel board—no backing needed. Quarterly sets for Uniform Les­ sons only $2.00. ~' Descriptive Circular Free or Request GOSPEL FOLIO PRESS, Dept. K, Grand Rapids 3, Mich.

Because of the war, many mission fields have been closed and mission­ aries have had to return to the home­ land. Since the war has ended, cries will come from Africa, India,' the Philippines, Borneo and other fields for help. Some countries are already open and candidates are needed. Eu­ rope and Japan will require young men with courage and compassion. Paul and other great missionaries faced equal difficulties, and turned the world “upside down” for Christ. The period just before us will far sur­ pass in Christian opportunity in the world any precèding age. Transportation and communications are so greatly improved that the pos­ sibilities are unlimited! Think of the world-wide broadcast of the Old Fash­ ioned Revival Hour and Station HCJB in South America! What an open door! Think of travel by air in missionary work, now being planned by, “The Christian Airmens Fellowship.” This organization “plans to . establish a sound, well-informed fellowship, of Christian airmen, feeling that on the whole, present day .missions are not technically equipped or manned, for the use of aircraft. It hopes to act ;as a clearing-house between airmen and missions to inform the former of the needs and opportunities, and the latter of those who are available to serve them . . . CAME proposes to transport missionary personnel and supplies to and from the field.” All its members have answered the call of God to go to the mission field themselves. This is only one of thousands of doors open. II. THE OPEN DOORS AT HOME Theré is an open door for true and sound testimony here in America. A serviceman recently stated that he be­ lieved if the pastors in our churches all' over the land did not preach a real, powerful and practical message based upon the Word of God, that the Church would go down discredited and despised by the returning soldier, rather than respected and looked up to as a source of help and strength. What a challenge! That means that the young people who know the Lord must enter the doors of opportunity. They must begin right NOW! As soon as possible, they should enter Bible Institutes or Christian Colleges to pre­ pare themselves. More summer and mid-winter conferences and leadership training camps are needed. More need to take and accept responsibilities within our group and the Church. The distribution of Christian literature and the support of “Youth for Christ” ral­ lies are part of the open door which stands before us. Let;us all answer that call,' “Come-nver and help us.”

IT’S AN IDEA By Carlton C. Buck

Idea 1. Since the November 4 topic deals with “Uprooted Peoples,” have each member of the Young People’s group make a real effort to find and invite all newcomers of the community to your meetings. Canvass, the blocks around each member’s house and around the church. Help your “uprooted” neighbors to be­ come rooted in the Church and in the things of God.. Idea 2. Give a good welcome to the servicemen and women as they return. No matter what the church does in the way of a homecoming cele­ bration, the Young People must have a, Christian socjal of their own. Then get them busy in your work again. Idea 3. Perhaps it is time to have a good contest in your society. . It is an old idea but you can give it a new slant. Divide the members, choose captains, work out points for a t t e n d a n c e , participa­ tion, bringing others, etc., but do it all in some new dress! Watch interest and attend­ ance pick up. Idea 4. Why not cut the in­ vitations and programs for the November 25 meeting in the shape of an open door? Large posters, using the cap­ tion, “Open Doors,” would be effective in announcing the meeting. “Humility is perfect quiet- ness of heart. It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted, vexed, irritated, sore, or disappointed. It is to ex- pect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when no- body praises me, and when 1 am blamed and despised. It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where 1 can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret. 1 am at peace as in a deep sea or

Pray For The King’s Business

The European Evangelistic

Crusade, Inc. was founded in 1930 by James A. Stewart to carry the Word of Life to Eu­ rope’s perishing millions in fellowship with all of God’s people. James A Stewart The international evange­ listic Bands under the hu­ man ' leadership of the Stewart brothers have been greatly used of God. “ D A W N IN D A R K E U R O P E " The official Bulletin ®f the E. E. C. give« up to date news and information about the work, and has a definite spiritual ministry also. Subscription price 50c. For information and literature please wrtte: U. S. A. Office 1179 Delaw are Ave., B uffalo 9, N. Y. Canadian Office 4 G ow an Ave., T oronto 6, Ont. British Office 20 A lgie St., G lasgow , S. 1, Scotland JAMES A. STEWART Founder and Field Director M ilton L. Lovering, H om e Director

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