King's Business - 1945-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

By Great Soul Winners B o o k s “ Acts" by Dr. H. A. Ironside, over 650 pp. Paper covers, only $2; cloth binding, $3. Ask for big: FREE catalog of “ best in Christian Literature,” also information on this 30-year faith, .work, serving Armed Forces and others. Outstanding Christian Bookstore on the West Coast. Service Prompt. Satisfaction assured. Write , today. WESTERN BOOK ft TRACT CO., Inc. Dr. H. A. Ironside, Pres. Dept. KB, 1719 Franklin St., Oakland 12, Calif. ^ GOWNS

THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Genesis to Revelation, Chapter by Chapter Dr. Harlin J. Roper, Pastor Scofield Memorial Church For Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, Young People’s and Missionary Societies, Vacation Bible Schools, Prayer Meetings, and Home Study. Samples 15c; 4 grades 50c; Complete set $2.40 THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY 2010 Bryan St. Dallas 1, Texas

Greek Word Treasures By Bernard Ramin, A.B., B.D. Corrections or illuminations of the text of the Epistle to the Hebrews: (1) Heb. 6:6: “If” is not in the or­ iginal text. The reference is not to a probability, but an 'actuality. “Fall away” is in the aorist tense, and should be translated, “having fallen away.” (2) Heb. 9:14: “The eternal spirit” is often- applied to the, Holy Spirit, but “the” is absent from the Greek, and this expression is nowhere used- in connection with the Holy Spffit. The contrast between the sacrifices of animals and that of Christ is be­ ing emphasized. What gives the sac­ rifice of the Saviour its immeasurable value is that He had an immeasur­ able spirit, or'patpje, or, as here ex­ pressed, “ eterna^spirit* so that it re­ fers to the;' divine nature of Christ, rather than to the Holy Spirit. (3) jHeb. 1:6: “Again” is added toi the verb, by many translators, “And when he bringeth again the first be­ gotten into the world.” Rendered this way, it may mean the second coming of Christ, which I believe is correct. C4) Heb. 10:26: “For if we wilfully sin,” is misleading. This is an inter­ esting construction known as the gen­ itive absolute, which must be trans­ lated with a “while” and an “ ing.” Thus: “While willingly continuing in sinning” is better, referring not to one who commits a particular sin, but one who continues in a state of sin, re­ fusing to come to Christ for cleans­ ing by His blood, even- after hearing of His power to cleanse. We could thus paraphrase it: “While we are continuing in a state Of unforgiven sin, after the reception of the knowl­ edge as to how our sins may be for­ given, there remains no other means of providing forgiveness of sins by some other sacrifice.” (5) Heb. 4:12: “Dividing asunder”— not a participle in the Greek, but a noun in the genitive, case and should be translated “ division of.” It may be inferred from this that it is not that the Word of God cuts the soul and spirit in two, but that it alone can discern the moral and spiritual dividing point between “soulish” and “spiritual” acts. The human intellect is unable to judge the basic motiva­ tion of another’s conduct; only God’s Word can penetrate to the roots and foundations of personality. (6) Heb. 10:34: “For ye had comr passion of me in my bonds”—often used to give weight to the Pauline authorship of Hebrews. In the Greek, the plural, not singular, is used and modern translators correct this to read: “Those in prison” or “with the prisoners you sympathized.”

Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros, ft Co. 1126 S. 4th St., Greenville, (11.

A ttractive H oliday home decoration I T he ideal ch ildre n's gift! , Sturdy, fibre-board cut-outs of scenes and figures in full color, stand up on 27-inch platform , and beauti­ fully portray the Christmas story. Packed in attractive gift box. Only $1.50 ea. (Four for $5.00 to one address) ,• Liberal discounts to Dealers, A gents, Societies on Manger Sets, and complete line, Greeting Cards, Plax, Bibles, Gifts, Novelties., etc. W rite today for full inform ation. (Include other inter­ ested names and’ receive FREE GIFT). Satisfaction guaranteed. . C. W. BOYER CO,/ Dept. KB 2223 N. M ain Dayton 5, Ohio Old-Fashioned Revival NATIONW IDE Gospel Broadcast


For the bread of God is he which

cometh down from heaven, a n d ffiveth life unto the world” John 6:33.

Regional Networks and In­ dependent Stations. C o n ­ sult radio log of local news­ papers for stations a n d times. Charles E. Fuller, Director P.O. B ox 123, Lo s A ngeles 53

Children today are hungry for the Bread of Life


It is within your power to m e e t this need. W ith a knowledge o f Child Evangel­ ism you .can bring the boys and girls in y o u r Sunday S c h o o l class or in your neighborhood to Christ the Bread of Life. He alone can satisfy their hunger. Study Methods o f Child Evangelism Nine Lessons - Nine Exams. $5.00

A S E N S A TIO N A L S ELLER FOR A G E N TS . Sixteen lifelike figures in full color. An amazing portrayal of the actual Man­ ger scene in lustrous, washable finish. Sturdily made. Gives young and old a vivid, lasting idea of the Birth of Christ. De­ scriptive folder enclosed. This big, ready-to-gift-wrap box is a bargain sensation. Send SI for sample. Also sell America» finest Christmas Cards and Everyday Assortments, both with -nd without Scripture Text and Bibles, Books and StatiesAery. WESTERN ART STUDIOS, Dept. 710-R 257 So. Spring St. Los Angeles 12, Calif.

Bible College S A M B R A D F O R D , President L E O L A P P , Dean Set to train workers for the Lord’s harvest. Four-year College offering Bachelor of Arts and Christian Education de­ grees; also five-year degree course in Education. Meets highest academic standards . . . the Bible is the center of every course of study. Also two-year and three-year diplo­ ma course in Bible. For information address Registrar. Box'' KB 2047 G ienarm Place, D enver 5, Colorado

Eighteen other courses also available. Send for folder.

CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible institute of Les Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles I 3, Calif.

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