King's Business - 1945-10

October, 1945


about the Saviour. The two chosen were Barnabas and Saul, or Paul. God used these two men to win many souls, arid Paul was used to write many oi the books in the New Testament. ■5^^ , there are some churches that are very selfish with the message of salvation. They do not give their young men and women to go as missionaries to other people, nor do they give their money to send missionaries to the for­ eign countries. Before He returned to His Father in Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Perhaps God will ask some of you boys and girls to go to another land as missionaries when you are older; perhaps He will ask you just to stay in the United States and to be a missionary to the other children at school, to those in your home, or to those with whom you work and play. Each Christian should be a missionary, telling others of the Saviour who died that they might have everlasting life. LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 25 I Christians and the Community 1 5^ | S | O N M A T E R IA L : John 17:20-23; A cts GOLDEN T E X T : “ W e are labourers to ­ gether with God” (1 Cor. 3:9). Outline and Exposition I. T he U nity of C hristians ( J ohn 17:20-23) Our Lord prayed not only for the unity of all His immediate disciples, but for the unity of all who would be­ lieve subsequently (v. 20). While all who hear the Gospel will not believe, there is assurance that down to the very end of the age, some will believe and be saved. Jesus asked for such unity among His children as existed between Himself and the Father (vs. 21-23). In spite of apparent divisions, there is a unity of place in Christ of all believers. All the saints are in Christ and in the Father even as “thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee.” This oneness of believers is their glory and is the real reason for their separation from the world. It is their peculiarity and is a witness to the godless. The more strictly the separation is main­ tained, the more impressive is this dif­ ference between the Christian and the world. It was the love that the early church had for each other that caused the unbelieving world to believe that they really were the disciples of Christ. II. T he F reedom of C hristians (A cts 15:22-29) The first church council ever held was called at Jerusalem to consider the relation of Christians to the law of Moses. In their discussions, they appealed to history, to experience, to Hie Lord’s personal directions, to the

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use of printing papers during ■ wartim£r'hkve:'been Kfo*4iiWe are now free to increase unprecedented demand for all ’RESS publications, including the ALL B IBLE G R A D E D S E R IE S of Sunday School Lessons For nearly three years, rigid controls o f paper consumption - kept press runs down, while demand continued to grow. Supplies for new users had to be provided by reducing the number o f pages in the manuals, cutting dow n paper thick­ nesses. In some cases, manuals o f three years back, which had the same themes, were dug out o f file and sent along to tide over the emergency. Regretfully, we had to put other schools on a waiting list. Now, however, the controls are off. N ow , you can push your plans for Sunday S chool expansion through the use o f G RADED SERIES. N ow you may have the WHOLE Bible in your school as the textbook for every lesson from Nursery class (a brand new course' for 2- and 3- year-olds, ready Jan. 1, 1946) through the Senior department. This is the series o f lessons that has been tested and proved in thousands o f schools— that embodies the recognized peda* logical principles o f departmental grading— that wins pupil* the BIBLE way. This is the lesson series which is the fastest growing one in popularity, in America. Plan to adopt the ALL BIBLE G RADED SERIES with the O ctober or January quarter. Full particulars o n request. C lip and mail the attached coupon for sample lessons and com ­ plete information.




The pupil is taught the WHOLE Bible. You have departmental grading— the only SOUND way. D epartm ental w orship services may be geared to each Sunday's lessons.

A Thepupil * ‘gets’ ’ thelessonthrough fascinating pupils’ manuals. fij Teen-age” interest is aroused and losses halted. ^ Large and small schools may use the series with equal benefit and _ enjoyment. ALL BIBLE prices are reasonable.

O ther SCRIPTURE PRESS publications now o ff the ration list: Sunday School papers— P OW E R (fo r teen-age young people); M Y COUNSELLOR (fo r 9-13 year old boys and girls). Visual aids— SUEDE-GRAPH and GOSPEL-GRAPH. S C R I P T U R E P R E S S 800 N. Clark St., Chicago 10, III., Dopt. KB-105 Please send me sample lessons and full particulars on the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES o f Sunday School lessons for the following departments: □ Nursery □ Begir □ Primary □ Junior □ Intermediate □ Senior □ Also send sample copies.of POWER and MY COUNSELLOR, your two Sunday School papers. Name« -Address _ City, Zone_ . State_

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Church—_____ I am O Supt.

O Dept. Supt.

D Pastor

D Dir. Chr. Ed.

O Teacher

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