King's Business - 1945-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S § q

The Free Fund to supply mission­ aries and service people with free KING'S BUSINESS subscriptions is a fine opportunity for investment of the Lord's money. ARTHUR W. PINK Verse by Verse through John’s Gospel in 4 volumes........... $ 1 0 .0 0 Send for Pink's complete iuorks. BIBLE TRUTH BOOK ROOM Virginia, . Minnesota

Scriptures, until they came to unani­ mous agreement. The decision of this council was sent by Barnabas anti» Saul to the church at Antioch where the question had arisen. This decision was most important to the early church and to all believers-' throughout the ages. The matter pfg law and grace was settled forever. There was to be no admixture of the two: law voids grace and grace low®'' ers the demands of the law. - ' : de The Council denied that the Jerusa»i lem church had sent the legalists sayw ing, “We gave no such commandment” (v. 24). The letter carried by Barna- ■ bas and Saul went further and stated" that, having come to “one accord,” itu seemed “good unto us” and "to th^r6 Holy Ghost” to have believers deliv-1 ered from the demands of the Mosaic” law, and to be free to accept, rejoice0 in, and to propagate, the Gospel of thS° grace of God. Points and Problems jE "Neither pray I for these alone" (John 17:20). This statement is sug-~ gestive of the scope of prayer. It fed*» fers to the earlier words of our Lord's!- prayer where we discover that, first of- all, He has prayed for Himself (vs. 1-8)4“ and, then, for those who were already-1 His disciples (vs. 9-19). Surely everts Christian should follow His example, s Every day he needs to pray for him-»* self that God may grant guidance and? power and forgiveness. He needs alseT to pray for fellow-Christians that they/: may be blessed in their service fop? Him. But the scope of prayer is even3 broader than this. Note that Jesusn prays for those not yet in the houses! hold of faith (vs. 20-22). The great'-' burden upon His heart was for the unsaved. Likewise a large portion of the believer’s prayer-life should -Be1-’ taken up with petition for the lost.^ 'B 2. "Then pleased it the apostles and*' elders, with the whole church" (Acts“ 15:22). Note the harmony of spirit0 that p r e v a i l e d in this Jerusaleni® church. When there is such unanimity" prevailing among the people of God’,11 glorious events will take place. It w a ? so in this case. The brethren at Jeru—' salem rendered a decision in relating0 to the Gospel that has brought untold* blessing to believers everywhere?! namely, that nothing may be adde.d to the Gospel of grace to make it effective. 3. "For it seemed good to the HolyT Ghost, and to us” (Acts 15:28). Happy" is the situation ini any church where-' this condition prevails. When tli^1 membership is in agreement with the-' Holy Spirit, it is really a spiritual^ church. Otherwise a church labors irf; the energy of the flesh and its work-’ will not stand the test of divine apse proval. Too often God’s people ask.thdJ Spirit of 43od to bless what seems goodc to them instead of what seems good? 1 to Him. to


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Providing In sp ira tio n and Help for Youth Leaders Around the World VOUTH FOR CHRIST Torrey M . Johnson, Chairman ►A channel for service to help establish and maintain YO U TH FO R CH R IST meet­ ings In your community, ^Members of the International full-time staff will assist your local YOU TH FOR CH R IST groups by suggesting speakers, talent, and by providing bulletins, con­ fidential news letters, etc. ^Goals for 1945 are: YO U TH FOR CH R IST in every state in the union. 1,000 Sat­ urday night meetings for youth with attendance of 1,000,000,

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