King's Business - 1945-10

398 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S OB/ECT LESSONS FOR OCTOBER By Elmer L. Wilder Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

First Week F inding F ellowship

tertain others. The last two words tell us to live peaceably. The Bible says, “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." When Christians follow this rule they are sure to have fellowship. Second Week A W ay to W orship

In the sixth chapter of the book ,of i Isaiah, we read of the prophet Isaiah who gave himself to the Lord at one,, time, as a whole and not in parts.. He had seen a vision of God and was very humble. He said, “Woe is me!” i After the seraphim had cleansed his. lips, he heard a voice saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” It was then that Isaiah gave himself, to the Lord—not in parts—but as whole, and he said, “Here am % send, me.” . vi God wants our lives, like Isaiah’s,' completely surrendered to Him in wor,-.. ship and service. Third Week H idden W ords "1 Objects: A correspondence envelope and a red cardboard cross. (Cut a Slot in the front of the envelope 1 : inch wide and 6 inches long. In this. slot, on the uncut side of the envelope, print the word “PREACH.” The basé' of the cross should be the same width. as the envelope and about 1% inches., in depth. The crossarm and upright' of the cross should be 1 inch, wide.” Cut the upper end of the envelope off,, in order that the cross may be in-w serted.) Lesson: How many words do you,, see on this envelope? I hear some one say, “One.” Apparently you are right, but I am, speaking to you this morning about,, “Hidden Words,” and I want you to be careful, lest you miss seeing some words, which at first do not appear,,,i For the present, we will not look . for hidden words. Instead we will* read from Mark 16:15, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world)’ and preach the gospel to every crea-J ture.” Jesus spoke these words to ’ the eleven apostles after His resurrec­ tion. The word “PREACH” means tb herald or proclaim. It does not mere­ ly mean the giving of a sermon such'- as a pastor preaches. It is the pro-” claiming of a message, which each.ï Christian can do. It is wsT1. for us tor remember that Jesus told them that P R E A C H



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Object: A piece of p a p e r 8%xll inches. (Fold each end to within Y* inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the word “FELLOWSHIP.” Near the top print the word “CHURCH.” Open the flaps and, using the letters in the word “FELLOWSHIP,” complete the follow­ ing words, “FAITH, GRACE, LOVE, RULING, EXHORTATION, WEEPING, BLESSING, HOSPITALITY, LIVE and PEACEABLY.” Close the flaps and line to represent the doors of a church.) Lesson:' The doors of this church are opened enough to let us see the Word, “FELLOWSHIP.” If you want to find real fellowship, the church is the best place to look fpr it. In fact, there is no other place where you can find true and lasting Christian fellowship. We will open the doors of the church and see if we can find out what makes real fellowship. As we open the doors of the church, we will open our Bibles to the twelfth chapter o f .Romans, beginning with the third verse. Inside the doors, we find the same words which we find in the New Testament. We see the words, “FAITH, GRACE, LOVE; RULING, EXHORTA­ TION, WEEPING, BLESSING, HOSPI­ TALITY, LIVE and PEACEABLY.” Each of these words helps to give us an understanding of the things which go into real fellowship. Faith in God and others is very important. Grace toward all cannot be omitted. Love toward God and others will aid in fel­ lowship. Ruling is a word in fellow­ ship often forgotten. There are lead­ ers in the church, authorized by the Lord to rule with diligence. Exhor­ tation means to p e r s u a d e others to do that which is right. Weeping must not be f o r g o t t e n . In true Christian fellowship, we are to sorrow with those who grieve, as well as to rejoice with those who rejoice. Bless­ ing others is important, and the Bible tells us to bless those who perse­ cute us. Another word is hospitality, which means to be friendly and to en­

Objects: Two flowers. Lesson: I hold in my hand a beau­ tiful flower. I want to give it to some person here this morning. To Whom do you suggest that I give it? “Give It to our pastor," you say. That is a good suggestion. If he will come forward, I will be glad to give him this flower. Pastor, because you have been a faithful minister of Christ, I want to give you a flower this morning. „ I am going to give it to you one petal at a time, so that I may have some to enjoy, even after I have given part of the flower to you. I never :realized that there were so many parts to a flower, until I started pulling one apart.. Now that you have all thè petals, I might as Well give you the stem. Pastor, you do not appear to be happy at receiving the flower, petal by petal. “God can put a flower together, but I cannot. I would have enjoyed it more if it had been given all to­ gether.” You are right in feeling the way you do. I have here another flower which I want to present to you, per­ fect, just as God made it. You look happy about this flower, and I am sure it will bring more joy to you than the other. You and the boys and girls were shocked when I gave our pastor the flower, petal by petal, but have you stopped to realize that we often give our lives in worship and service to the Lord that way? He wants us as a whole, and we give ourselves and our talents to Him in parts, which cannot be the way that will bring the most joy to Him.

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