Imperial War Museums - Deputy Head of Estates

IWM North ,:01RUWKORFDWHGLQ7UD̯RUG0DQFKHVWHUZDVRSHQHGLQ,WZDVWKH̰UVW EUDQFKRIWKHPXVHXPRXWVLGHVRXWKHDVW(QJODQGDQGWKH̰UVWWREHSXUSRVHEXLOWDV a museum. The visually striking building, overlooking the Manchester Ship Canal at 6DOIRUG4XD\VZDVEDVHGRQWKHFRQFHSWRIDJOREHVKDWWHUHGE\FRQ̱LFWLQWRVKDUGV and reassembled. These shards, representing earth, air and water, give the building its shape. The building essentially comprises an aluminium clad, steel and concrete IUDPHGEXLOGLQJZLWKFRQFUHWH̱RRUVDQGVWDLUVFRYHULQJIRXUOHYHOV7KHYHUWLFDO feature referred to as the ‘Air Shard’ is of tubular steel framing faced with aluminium FODGGLQJ,QWHUQDOO\EHVLGHVFRUSRUDWHVWD̯DQGYLVLWRUIDFLOLWLHVWKHPXVHXPȃV̰UVW ̱RRUPDLQJDOOHU\VSDFHKRXVHVSHUPDQHQWH[KLELWLRQVZLWKWKHZDOOVXVHGDVVFUHHQV for the projection of an hourly audiovisual presentation. The museum also hosts a programme of temporary exhibitions, mounted in the special exhibition gallery. As a UHODWLYHO\QHZSDUWRIWKH,:0HVWDWHWKHEXLOGLQJEHQH̰WVIURPPRUHUHFHQWGHVLJQ and engineering. However, many major components and systems are approaching their end of lifecycle.

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